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  1. I'm sorry if this is a silly question, i'm a total beginner on running Python on a web server. I'd like to run a Python script that requires some packages (such as Numpy, tensorflow, keras). Is it possible to install them on the Python version installed on the server? How do i do that? Locally i'm just giving the location of the Python version with all the package installed in the first line of the script (#F!:\Programs\Anaconda\envs\tensorflow\python.exe), how can i replicate it in the web server? I saw a lot of posts about it but didn't find the answers. Thanks in advance.
  2. hi i want to run python script that requires the following libraries -opencv, -pytesseract, -tesseract-ocr. i read something that tells to include them in the PYTHONPATH, but i don't know how. I would appreciate your help for further clarification
  3. Hello, Will you please install the following python libraries? Modules: mysqlclient==1.3.12 numpy==1.14.2 pandas==0.22.0 requests==2.18.4 slackclient==1.2.1 SQLAlchemy==1.2.6 Username: jwapps Server: Johnny Domain: jwapps.heliohost.org Python Version: 3.6.4 or 3.3 Thank you!
  4. Hello Helioids! Just found this service and started poking around. I'm glad HelioHost exists! Determining without command line access which python packages are available was a bit tricky. I'm documenting a solution here so it will show up for others in search. The following script is tested as working on server Johnny, under Python 3.6. Upload it to, for example, /home/USERNAME/public_html/cgi-bin/SCRIPTNAME.py. Don't forget to make it executable (chmod 755 SCRIPTNAME.py). Sending a request to that file from your browser, for example by visiting YOURSUBDOMAIN.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/SCRIPTNAME.py, will return installed module details wrapped in html that should be good enough for your browser to parse. Hope someone else finds this helpful! #!/usr/bin/python3.6 import sys import pip version = sys.version modules = pip.get_installed_distributions() print("Content-type: text/html\n\n", "Python ", version, "<br><br>") for mod in sorted(modules, key=lambda mod: mod.key): try: deets = next(pip.commands.show.search_packages_info([mod.key])) print(deets["name"], "<br>") print(deets["version"], "<br>") print(deets["summary"], "<br>") print(deets["author"], "<br>") print(deets["author-email"], "<br>") print(deets["home-page"], "<br><br>") except: print("<p>", mod.key, "</p>")
  5. Hello, I would like to have some Python 3.6 modules installed on Tommy server: mwclientyoutube_dldiscord.pypython-socketioI saw that discord.py and youtube_dl are installed on Johnny server so I think it shouldn't be a problem. Please let me know if any of these modules can't be installed for some reason. And also, thank you for your great service!
  6. Hey guys, I'll cut to the chase. How do I kill all running cgi scripts in my instance? I'm rdfnr on Johnny. I am learning to make some python scripts (chat bots) but they keep running and I don't know how to kill the processes without a terminal. Thanks in advance. Things I wanted to say: incredible service, thanks to everyone involved. This is great for people like me, to learn and get experience.I'll at least build in a termination option into the scripts I'm trying to run in the future... I guessI did use the search function and scrolled through some pages before posting. Sorry if this has been answered before. Best regards rdfnr
  7. When i request http://arnews.heliohost.org/ArNews/ Internal Server ErrorThe server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator, webmaster@arnews.heliohost.org and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error. ArNews Tree : ---/home/arnews/public_html/ArNews ----------/ArNews ---------------------/__init__.py ---------------------/dispatch.wsgi ---------------------/settings.py ---------------------/urls.py ----------/ArNewsBot ---------------------/migrations ---------------------/urls.py ---------------------/etc. ----------/media ----------/manage.py ----------/.htaccess IN .htaccess :- RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /RewriteRule ^(media/.*)$ - [L]RewriteRule ^(admin_media/.*)$ - [L]RewriteRule ^(ArNews/dispatch\.wsgi/.*)$ - [L]RewriteRule ^(.*)$ ArNews/dispatch.wsgi/$1 [QSA,PT,L] in dispatch.wsgi :- import os ,sys from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_applicationsys.path.append("/home/arnews/public_html/ArNews"); os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "ArNews.settings") application = get_wsgi_application() in settings.py :- DEBUG = True ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*']
  8. Hi! Noob here. I just got hello world running from your cookiecutter! I've tried adding the rest of my files but it seems it can't find NLTK for word tokenizing. I'm gonna try and roll my own at the moment but wondering if we can get NLTK installed on Tommy? If not, no worries and thank you so much for building this community.
  9. Hello, I'm new to heliohost and new to web programming. I've been studying the book "Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach" (Kurose & Ross). In this book there are examples of client-server applications (in python) unsing UDP and TCP. I would like to test this examples (for educational purposes) on Heliohost. The problem is that I don't have any idea how to make the script of the server-side run on Helihost. The scripts run properly on my localhost, but I would like to know how to make it run on Heliohost. My username: jfbarbos My domain: jfbarbosaboro.heliohost.org My server: johnny.heliohost.org Thanks in advance!
  10. Dear HelioHost Community, I came here to try out some web development. Unfortunately I started with overriding my .htaccess file in the /public-html/cgi-bin directory. Is there a way to restore it? Or has there never been a .htaccess file? To my shame I have to admit that I didn't do a backup before. Otherwise I didn't change anything. Maybe someone could just upload the standard .htaccess for this directory or tell me how to reset the whole file structure to default? Would be a great help. Another thing I want to know is that if I want to run python 2.7 scripts I have to move to Server "Ricky", right? Thanks for helping out a newbie! Kind regards, mojo
  11. Is threading allowed using .py scripts? Whenever I try to run a simple threading script (with no more than 15 threads) it just gives me a 500 Internal Error. Edit: I rolled back a few versions of my python script (not version of python) and it's still giving me the 500 Internal Server Error? Edit2: Finally found out that the cause was because the permissions were not set properly (644 instead of 755), but using the same version of the python script as before (which worked fine) I am now getting an import error? Is it possible that an admin changed something in the python dir? Here is a screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/5lxTP UPDATE: I have solved the problem. The issue was that I had another file named threading.py and my script was trying to use that script instead of the module threading.
  12. Hi, I followed the wiki page and try to run a flask app on Tommy. It shows 500 error. Please help me, thanks! .htaccess ( ASCII text )/home/bowiecao/public_html/flask/.htaccessRewriteEngine OnRewriteBase /RewriteRule ^(media/.*)$ - [L]RewriteRule ^(admin_media/.*)$ - [L]RewriteRule ^(flask\.wsgi/.*)$ - [L]RewriteRule ^(.*)$ flask/flask.wsgi/$1 [QSA,PT,L] flask.wsgi ( Python script, ASCII text executable )#!/usr/bin/python3.6 version 3.6.1import os, sys# edit your username belowsys.path.append("/home/bowiecao/public_html/flask");sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(__file__))from myapp import app as application# make the secret code a little betterapplication.secret_key = 'secret' myapp.py ( Python script, ASCII text executable )#!/usr/bin/python3.6 version 3.6.1import sysfrom flask import Flask, __version__app = Flask(__name__)application = app@app.route("/")def hello(): return "hello world"if __name__ == "__main__": app.run()
  13. I try to write an easy basic CGI in python and get this Internal server error 500. What am I doing wrong? user/script theil.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/hello-get.py on johnny just a "Hello World" #!/usr/bin/python[LF] print("Content-Type: text/html\n\n")[LF] print("Hello")[LF] + The [LF] are the right line endings with notepad++. + I changed the permissions on Windows to everyone. Why can´t it just work... Thanks in advance! Andy
  14. Hi, I created a file main.py in /public_html/cgi-bin #!/usr/bin/pythonprint "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"print "Hello World" I tried to run it with http://sw.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/main.py But I got following error, anyone can help me? Internal Server ErrorThe server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator, webmaster@sw.heliohost.org and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log. Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
  15. Hello! I'm writing a Python game server using sockets. Everything works on local host, but I'm kinda lost about what I've to make the server running online ... I've already uploaded the .py file. Now, how can I start running them? And what host + port do I have to put on the server and on the client? Sorry if this questions are kinda newbie, but I do not find it too much on the internet ... Thanks! : D
  16. Can we have matplotlib and Bokeh installed on python 3.6, on tommy? latest version of bot are desirable. Thanks
  17. Hello, First of all, great job, HelioHost is a lovely service! Second, since I'm having trouble trying to load Flask-OpenID as a local script in my project, can you please install it globally? It's a small python module generating OpenID URLs and handling the nonce stuff. Should be just: $ pip install Flask-OpenIDI'm on Tommy, python 3.6.3. As far as I can tell all the other modules I would ever need are already installed. Cheers and have a nice day.
  18. I've been setting up a notification system for users on a service I have set up on heliohost, but have encountered a major issue. I am sending mail via a python script (mail.py), which takes several arguments and sends the mail, but my php cannot use shell_execute or system to run this script. What is a method that is allowed on heliohost?
  19. I want to run cron job on tommy. The problem is that it downloads 100 mb data and process it. It takes almost 1 minute to process the data on my corei3, machine. Is it ok to run such intensive app through cron job? The job will run once a week.
  20. When I open official django website its says. Ridiculously fast: but it is not the case on heliohost. Is there anything we can do?
  21. While trying python + Django, I kind of think that krydos might be using more than one folder level configurations. for example. http://krydos.heliohost.org/ ---> don't know which technology he is using. https://krydos.heliohost.org/djangotest/ ---> Django https://krydos.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/modules36.py ---> cgi (I don't know what is that and how to do) so I tried from the tutorial in django wik (and edited it) and come to know that I can configure more than one django projects on heliohost. I it ok to do that for normal user? I have no plans to have thousands but one for root level and couple inside.
  22. Hello, Am I eligible for allowing remote access to postgres?I am trying to work django ORM work. I tried MySQL but it doesn't work for me. if yes: username: patents_plrusr database: patents_plrdb user(off course): patents else: no worry.Access to all IPs needed as I dont have static IP.
  23. I have upload a .py file in cgi-bin, and i have chmod to 755. I have followed the previous post to submit corn job. /usr/bin/python3.6 /home/wonderland/cgi-bin/telegram.py but it doesn't work. and what does 5 minutes execute means. thanks.
  24. Can you install docxtpl on tommy, python 3.6.3?
  25. Hi! Please install Pillow on Tommy. Cannot view my website since the python upgrade. Been getting a 500 Internal Server Error. Also, please install: django-cleanup django-countries django-ipware Thanks!
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