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  1. Hi all. I'm "soflab" on Johnny. I log in my cPanel and try to access PhPMyAdmin giving my username and password; I get the first attached error page. If I try to access with HeidiSQL (host Johnny.heliohost.org) I get the second attached error. What can I do? Thanks softlab
  2. Hello, I have what seems to be a common issue recently. I get: Error establishing a database connection I am running WordPress, info below: USERNAME: oz DB: oz_xohmz_wpdb DB USERNAME: oz_xohmz_dbAdmin How do I fix this/could you fix it if I can't? Thanks! oz
  3. Unfortunately, the mySQL Database on my domain have stopped working, logging in using an own PHP-script or phpMyAdmin only returns an error (acces denied or server error 500). I tried to change the password using Cpanel, but this also failed because "Although the system’s database map includes a MySQL user named “huulie_systeem”, the MySQL server reported that no user with this name exists. Contact your system administrator." Sadly, I do not have a back-up of the database (because I was still working on it and planned to make a back-up when finished) Referring to http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/21518-stevie-mysql/, maybe an Admin is willing to take a look at this problem? Username: huulie_systeem Database: huulie_MUSICONLINEdevriendschap Thanks in advance, and greetings from the Netherlands, Huub
  4. Hello, My site is down: I get the error 'Database connection error (2): Could not connect to MySQL.' Trying to repare db in cPanel, I get 'Error from MySQL query: DBD::mysql::db do failed: Unknown database 'colette_joom25'Failed to use colette_joom25' I change my cPanel password and with phpMyAdmin I don't see any db! I have no backup (I know, it's stupid). Please fix it as soon as you can. Thank you. Sorry for my English. Server Stevie Username: colette Db: colette_joom25
  5. dear, after the repair of the db by the admin I'm unable to write on the db, only read. the db is fedeener_marcatempo. Regards
  6. Hi, I have been experiencing a problem with the MySQL connection on my website over the last week, I receive the following error.... Unable to connect to database [Access denied for user 'tagomago@localhost'(using password: YES)] I saw a similar post that mentioned that stevie has been rebooted. It suggested changing the password to reset the cache, although unfortunately this has not helped Any idea when this issue will be resolved?
  7. This topic is a reference for those having problems with the MySQL server on Stevie. Due to a crash in February, Stevie's MySQL server has been experiencing frequent errors and downtime. There are a variety of error codes and problems, and the solutions to each are different. Common Issues Error -2002 ("Can't connect to local MySQL server...") Issue: You're receiving Error -2002 or a message saying you cannot connect to the database server when you try to use certain mysql applications or when you try to log into PhpMyAdmin. Solution: The server is down. Wait several minutes and try again. The server goes down very frequently due to the damage associated with the crash in February, Error -2013 ("Lost Connection during query...") / Database error installing software / Error editing tables in PhpMyAdmin Issue: You receive error -2013 or a message saying the connection was lost during a database query when executing queries in phpmyadmin, when restoring a backup, or when installing various software. This error is caused by attempting to create or modify a database table (or data within the table) that uses the InnoDB storage engine. InnoDB was damaged during the server crash in February. As a result, you cannot edit the data within a table, nor can you create/alter/drop InnoDB tables (or drop any database containing these tables). Instead, you will need to use MyISAM for all database tables. Solution: Solutions vary for this issue. For software installation issues, you will need to seek help from the software developer on how to modify the installer to use MyISAM database tables. If you are trying to edit an existing database table, see the solution for "My site works, but I get database errors when I try to edit my content". If you have a backup that you want to restore, make a copy of your backup's .sql file, then use the solution for "My website works but I get an error when I edit my content", starting at Step 2. My site works, but I get database errors when I try to edit my content Issue: Your application is probably using InnoDB tables in its database. To check if this is the case, log into PhpMyAdmin from cPanel, then select the database for your website. In the list of tables on the right side, look for InnoDB under the Engine column. Solution: If this is the issue, you can convert your database to use MyISAM instead of InnoDB. To do this: Make a backup of your database through cPanel or phpmyadmin. You want a plain text (.sql) file. Open your new backup file in a text editor, then use the "find and replace" feature of your editor. Find all ENGINE=InnoDB and replace them with ENGINE=MyISAM Save and close the backup after editing. Create a new database in cPanel, then import the edited backup file into it using cPanel or phpmyadmin. Assign your website's database user to the new database in cPanel. Edit the config file for your website to use the new database. The exact procedure will vary based upon which software you use. Consult its documentation for information on setting the database name. Ignore the old database. Do not attempt to drop it. Roundcube and Horde don't work Issue: Roundcube and Horde use a database with InnoDB tables to track users and mail. Because of this, they won't work without InnoDB functioning correctly. The issue manifests as either a database error or an infinite redirect in Roundcube, and a "not authorized" message in Horde. Solution: Use another webmail client. Softaculous does not work properly Issue: Softaculous and many of the software programs it can install rely upon InnoDB database tables. Installation of software may not work properly. Any installations performed will not be displayed in Softaculous and cannot be removed through Softaculous even if the software installed successfully. This issue is most commonly seen when installing WordPress (one of the most frequently installed choices), although many other applications will cause errors as well. Solution: Install applications manually. If you wish to remove an application and the installation does not appear in Softaculous, simply remove the installation through conventional means. I dropped my database and now it appears in PhpMyAdmin but not in cPanel. Issue: These "half-dropped" databases result from attempting to drop a database containing InnoDB tables. Attempting to drop these databases also sometimes causes ~10 minutes of MySQL downtime for the server. Solution: Just ignore the unwanted database. There is no fix at this time. When the server has been repaired, an admin will be able to drop these databases for you. We recommend that you do not attempt to drop databases containing InnoDB tables at this time. By not trying to drop them, you will be able to drop them yourself when the server has been repaired. If you are experiencing a problem not described here or need additional help with the solution, please create a new topic in Customer Service.
  8. Just checked my site today and its not running because of some database connection issues, tried to fix it in the control panel but it's not working, so I tried creating a new user for both of my existing database and still unable to connect. When I tried to backup my database, I found out that all of my database are empty. My last complete backup of my site is ages ago. Is there anyway to retrieve the content of my database? Thanks. site name : www.buteekee.tk server: stevie
  9. Hi, I tried to log in my account in PhpMyAdmin many times today, is it down? It says Error: 500. And also I think I also need help in restoring my databases. It is shown in the MySql DB page but It doesn't have any File Size so I think its wiped. Thank you, ID: jperana
  10. What's happened to my http://demo.heliohost.org/wordpress/ it's always "Error establishing a database connection"? Is the MySQL server still have a problem or it's now fixed and just some of us experiencing this? How can I fix this? Thanks..
  11. username = wikinet domain= wiki-net.tk account type = stevie hello.... my site wiki-net.tk has a sub-domain site queries.wiki-net.tk & it is a forum that requires mysql. it was working fine. but now when i visit it the browser says "Could not establish database connection". i didn't change anything. on going to control panel, the phpmyadmin also doesn't work and displays a blank page on entering the username/password. please fix the mysql issue....thanks
  12. i have been waited 5 mins and then got this error The user “uakmus” may not create a database user named “uakmus_uakmus” because a user with that name already exists. plz fix it Lol, really exists
  13. Host: lasestabirra@heliohost.org on stivie After renew, j'm not able to find/connect to mysql database. A check via cpanel say unknown database... I'm afraid... :-( :-( :-(
  14. All my databases are inaccessible since yesterday, october 22th, 2015. (database names are: tests, logboeken, astrodb) I get this error: Warning: mysqli::mysqli() [mysqli.mysqli]: (28000/1045): Access denied for user '*******' (using password: YES) (I blanked the username here) When I try to get on myphpadmin I cannot log in, I get "Server error 500" Same shit as less than a month ago. Can somebody please restore the access to my databases or tell me what to do. username : stefaanc server : stevie domain : casierstefaan.heliohost.org
  15. u/n: ecto01 server: stevie dbs: ecto01_tracking, ecto01_olephpbb, ecto01_oleps thanks.
  16. Hi all, I have read in this forums that InnoDB support has been removed right after upgrading mysql. I have applied for a Stevie account because of the ability to use mysql remotely, but without InnoDB I can't really use mysql for what I need. Other engines have too many limitations (mainly missing foreign key constraints) for my project. Will InnoDB support be restored? If so, when it is likely to be restored? Thank you in advance. Cris
  17. Hello, My MySQL database does not work. username = jazons domain= bestserver.heliohost.org account type = stevie "This server is running an unsupported MySQL version (5.1). Ask your system administrator to upgrade MySQL to improve security and features." Please help. jazons
  18. Edu.heliohost.org not working my sql database connection and php my administration also not work
  19. Hi, I have been having problems with my website over the last few days. There seems to be a problem connecting to the MySQL database. I get the following error trying to access the main page... Unable to connect to database [Access denied for user 'tagomago@localhost' (using password: YES)] When I try and access the database through phpMyAdmin it goes to a login screen when I type in the details that I use to login to cPanel it goes to a page saying 'HTTP 500 Internal Server Error'. Is there a problem with the server at the moment? Will this fixed in a few days?
  20. I 've tried all suggestions mentioned here, like deleting all users and recreating them, and then assign them back to the databases, changing passwords etc. Still, when I try to go to phpmyadmin, I get a blanc screen, with the address: http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/cpsess2377486782/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/index.php Before the crash, I didn't have to log in, when going to phpmyadmin. Now I have to, but with the result of a blanc screen. I am looking for another host now, since I cannot trust helio, and the way they handled the crash is not what you would espect, even when it's a free host. I need everything to work every moment. A temporally down-time is acceptable, but not a crash that takes days to repair, with no help or communication to us the users.
  21. by day problems connecting to the database... I have free account...
  22. Hello there, I've read on your homepage that you recently fixed the Stevie MySQL issue, but i'm finding that WordPress and PhpMyAdmin are not connecting to it. The Stevie cPanel seems to say Mysqld has failed? Any ideas? Regards, Matthew.
  23. What happened: I've always had problems with WordPress where I'd get internal 500 about 80% of the time. I'm assuming it is a database issue, since everything else worked. After the whole "Stevie Mysql" post, I figured I'd try that. Cpanel Backup MySQL database, delete, restore. Two problems came from that. ONE: [a fatal error or timeout occurred while processing this directive] during [Restoring Database] (with both damaged current backup and correctly working backup from 2 years ago.) TWO: The backup database contents were not backed up correctly and were nearly blank when viewing the uncompressed .sql file with a text editor. (which I didn't notice until much later after deleting the current database...) Comparing the two backups I have (yesterday and 2 years ago) Yesterday's has only 36 lines of text (and looks nearly blank from that standpoint because the only info save was for wp_commentmeta table and mysqldump errors) while the oldest has 381. For some odd reason, even after getting such errors from Problem ONE, it did restore that 2 year old backup at some point of my 100 attempts. My question. Is there a way to access an older database backup? From a week ago? Month ago? Just one year...? If not, ah well!
  24. I am using Joomla quickstart, but when install sample data, it appear this error: Error Some errors occurred while populating the database: MySQL server has gone away SQL=/*!40101 SET COLLATION_CONNECTION=@OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION */; my mistake or server ? Someone can help me? my hosting info phuongsang.com db name: psang_site
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