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  1. HelioHost username: colette HelioHost server: johnny HelioHost main domain: atelierdecolette.heliohost.org I recieved a suspended notice monday, 07 October. I went to account renewal page and gave username. It seems OK but I can't access my cpanel and my site is not displaying for 2 days now. On account renewal page, i see now "We're sorry, but we either could not find that account in the database, or it is not listed as inactive. Please contact an administrator if you feel this message is in error." Please help! Thanks
  2. HelioHost username: mamtekl Server: stevie HelioHost main domain: ethiopiandating.tk
  3. HelioHost username: filipebs Server: Johnny HelioHost main domain: filipebezerra.tk
  4. Hello, my account is suspended... Can you please help me to recover it? Username: pakcric Server: stevie Domain: http://opendp.de.vu Thanks!
  5. Hello! My account was suspended because of my inactiviti. i tried to login via my mobile but ended up with a locked account. so i have reset my password but now i cannot login to reacticvate my account. can you please help me get my website back up? Username: shimone Domain: shimon.elbaz.me Thanks!
  6. username: metals host: stevie domain url: http://iloveheavymetal.heliohost.org
  7. HelioHost username : baibav The server : Stevie HelioHost main domain : http://dlgen.heliohost.org Please Activate my account and allow me to backup my files.. Thanks for your support..
  8. I have been suspended for a reason that I don't know. I haven't been active in some weeks, but I recently logged into my cpanel. When I try to reactivate my account it says that my account cannot be found in the database. My username is simber, my main domain name is either gameofstocks.net or gameofstocks.heliohost.org. It's on stevie. I hope my account can be reactivated!
  9. Username : nyapu Server : Steive Heliohost main domain : id.heliohost.org
  10. HelioHost username: mamtekl server: Stevie HelioHost main domain: ethiopiandating.tk (before it was dating.co.cc) Currently running other two domains: ethiodating.tk and idating.tk which are now suspended. After installing my site at the main domain I will delete the website on the other domains. I hope this will reduce server load. Thank you
  11. username: akarthik server: stevie main domain: akarthik10.heliohost.org
  12. username: abhilove server: johnny domain: itrixcorp.com
  13. heliohost username: followerst domain: followerst.heliohost.org mySQL database server : johnny I couldn't stop my php script from running continuously, and I inadvertently used way too many resources. I apologize for any strain this will have put on your servers and also for any hassle this will have caused my fellow heliohost subscribers. I think your services are great, I've never had any problems with them, and I won't run that particular script any more. Many Thanks, J. (followst@followerst.heliohost.org)
  14. Hello, I created an account for the same domain long time back. Due to inactiviy I think its already suspended. Now, I created a new account few days back, am getting msg " Heliohost Account Suspended" To create this new account i used new email address Username: razacad Server: Stevie Main Domain: www. raza-academy.com OLD Username: razdemy Please do needful Thanks
  15. Username: Couch Domain: couchlosers.tk Nameserver: ns1.heliohost.org Host: dot.tk I have attempted to re-activate this account five or six times, without luck.
  16. a. tarungyp b. stevie c. getyourproject.com Hello, My account got suspended. i don't know the actual reason but maybe it was suspended due to inactivity. I am not able to login into my account. I tried to reset my password but as my account is suspended am not able to do so. Please activate my account or send a new password to registered email id. Thank you.
  17. Hi my account is suspended. Username: Coldwin Host: stevie.heliohost.org:2082 URL: 2169.tk Thanks,
  18. id: gtsoft server: stevie domain: gtsoft.heliohost.org too much cron job (i was testing and found after first execution of my cronjob is disappear ,everyone of them....then i read about cronjob limitation)
  19. stivie vaidya vaidyacare.cu.cc Account suspended, could not clear . plz help. activate account. i shall delete maximum data to clean
  20. Username: shoop Server: Stevie Domain: http://913gaming.heliohost.org Can I get a further explanation or reactivate my site? I believe the suspension is false.
  21. Mam/Sir, Lets talk about this message which would be received after a Hosting Account Installed!‏: Because I'm planning to fully host my websites with this free web hosting service... What if I successfully developed a script with that host and completely installed some software therein and my database already got an important information because of the users who coming thought my websites... What if my account get suspended for inactivity? Can I recovered the data therein? Or even just the database? AND WHAT IF my account get suspended just because of an error of the system? (As mentioned in Heliohost FAQ - HelioHost Wiki and in Suspended and Queued Accounts - HelioNet.) How can I get my data back? Or even just the important database? If ever there's no way to get the data back when the account get suspend, mostly if the reason is just because of the error, then it's VERY HARD.. Please respond, thank you..
  22. steive vaidya vaidyacare.cu.ccc sir it always becomes suspended. plz suggest , what to do.
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