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Everything posted by 1337

  1. 1337


    Wow. The test message is still here. Talk about a piece of history.
  2. What about just "Portable games"? Since you can talk about PSP, DS, Game boy, etc
  3. A bank is... a bank. You store money there and collect interest.
  4. Do you get a lot of homework from school? If so, what are your thoughts on homework? I get a lot of homework... but I don't think homework is good if you have to spend more than 15 minutes on all of it.
  5. <?php if (isset($_GET[id])) include $_GET[id] . ".htm"; else { ?> HOMEPAGE CODE HERE <?php } ?> There you go. That should work.
  6. 1337


    You would need a copy of IPB that is self-hosted (Services like Invisionfree doesn't work.)
  7. The songs are pretty good, but I don't have the album.
  8. Here's an orkut inviter/spooler for those interested.
  9. Haha. Very funny.. a mouse -will- do anything for cheese, even if it is posting 4321 times for one piece.
  10. Yeah. I found these at another forum, so enjoy
  11. Cool! I also saw that you can mod an xbox to have Linux on it too (only software mods required)
  12. Welcome to HelioNet, pokemonisland I hope you have fun.
  13. You need 500 posts annually for the domain AND 25 posts a month for the hosting. By the way, this is topic 1338.
  14. Funny, but a helpful tip for everyone: Smashing or attacking your computer will not help one bit.
  15. Really cool. It makes my brain and eyes think, especially the first one.
  16. I find history boring, but easy. English is boring too. Science is fun though.
  17. What's your favorite subject in school? (excluding lunch, because everyone would pick that if it was available) Mine is math.
  18. You can get a theme to get Linux to resemble it.. and customize the layout.
  19. But then again, if the prices are lower for a single customer, more people will buy it and less pirates, and end up with more money.
  20. I don't see the point of Google Calender. A local calender would be fine. What about portability? You might forget to bring your calendar, or it's may not be practical
  21. First off, I don't see why people sell a bunch of ones and zeros for $600. Who in the right mind would buy 0s and 1s that don't cost anything to manufacture?
  22. Which coding languages do you know? I currently know: HTML CSS Javascript Beginner PHP
  23. Very True! There should be a translator for this
  24. Gmail users now have Google Calendar and Google Talk (even integrated into GMail!) for quite a while now
  25. 1337


    Is two plus two = to 4, 22, 5 (understood one ), fish, or something else?
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