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Posts posted by sagnik

  1. Hi, I had an account on Ricky which was deleted due to server crash. But when I've wanted to re-create the account on Ricky, I've came to know that, signup will reopen after 18 hours that means 05:00am(GMT +05:30 or IST) in India in that time it's impossible for me to wake up to create an account. So I request you, please create my account manually with username: "sgn", password: "12345678" on the server "Ricky". (If it's possible)

  2. Ok thanks for your great help. Well, yeah I want to force redirect to https if user visit http but not now I've not created htaccess yet. I'm waiting for https to work properly then I'll create a htaccess to force redirect to https.

  3. I understand. But why Chrome is showing that, the certificate has issued to "wn.sgnetworks.cu.cc" as it should show "whatsnew.cf", because I've put "whatsnew.cf" in the "common name" and "whatsnew.cf, *.whatsnew.cf" in the "subject alternative name with DNS.1, DNS.2 (FQDNS)".


    And why "whatsnew.cf" showing "Account Queued"?

  4. I've just installed my own CA signed certificate for domain "whatsnew.cf, *.whatsnew.cf". But getting the following error and chrome is saying that the certificate is issued to "wn.sgnetworks.cu.cc" and is self-signed, even I've signed the certificate with my own CA and issued for "whatsnew.cf":


    Here is the screenshot of the certificate installation page:


    I need help setting up ssl properly without the error above.

  5. Hello! Recently, I've two problems.

    First, I've added an addon domain "netmate.cf" in my account "sgn", it was added successfully and working fine but when tried to install a SSL on the domain got "You don't control the domain".


    Second, I have wanted to add another addon domain "whatsnew.cf", but got some error (I didn't remember) and the domain was not listed in the addon domains section, but DNS was set set perfectly so the domain is working but maybe as it was not listed in the addon domains section so I'm getting "You don't control the domain" when tried to install a SSL on the domain.


    I've tried both cPanel free SSL and also my own CA signed SSL. In both the cases I've encountered the same error.


    I'm using "Johnny" server with username "sgn".

  6. I want to display a progress bar when sending data to php and php inserts the data to database. Here is the code, I'm using:


    	if($_POST['action'] == 'post_validate'){
    		function makeProgress(){
    		$sa = array("Male","Female","Not Specified");
    		$sex = in_array($_POST['sex'],$sa);
    		$bc = get_browser(null,true);
    		$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    		$device = $bc['device_name'];
    		$login_cookie = sha1($usr).'-'.sha1($ip).'-'.sha1($device);
    		if($fnt && $lnt && $dt && $sex && $d1==1 && $d2==1 && $d3==1){
    			} elseif($_POST['sex']==$sa[1]){
    			} elseif($_POST['sex']==$sa[3]){
    			$q0a=db_query("SELECT id,uid,login_cookie FROM users WHERE uid_md5='".sha1($uid)."' AND status='1'",$con);
    			if($q0a && db_num_rows($q0a)==1){
    				$s1a="INSERT INTO profiles_personal(`user_id`,`uid`,`dp`,`dp_mime`,`fname`,`lname`,`sex`,`dob`) VALUES('$id','$uid','$dp','$dp_mime','$fn','$ln','$sex','$dob')";
    				$s1b="UPDATE users SET status='2' WHERE uid_md5='".sha1($uid)."'";
    				if($q1a && $q1b){
    					echo 'done';
    				} else {
    					echo 'failure: '.mysqli_error($q1a);
    			} else {
    				echo "Sorry for the inconvenience... But maybe your account is suspended by Netmate team or you have already completed this step. Please check your account status <a href='/members/manage?do=check_status&sessid=".$_SESSION['sessid']."&refid=2'>here</a>";
    		} else {
    			echo '\n\n Some of the informations you have provided might be invalid';
    } else {
    	echo 'Your session was expired please login again';

    		var f=$("#fn").val();
    		var l=$("#ln").val();
    		var s=$("input:radio:checked").val();
    		var dd=$("#date").val();
    		var dm=$("#month").val();
    		var dy=$("#year").val();
    		var a1=$("#a1").prop('checked');
    		var a2=$("#a2").prop('checked');
    		var a3=$("#a3").prop('checked');
    		$(this).after("<span id='wait'></span>");
    		var sub=$("#submit");
    		var sw = $(this).next("span");
    		if(f.length>=2 && f.length<=48 && l.length>=2 && l.length<=48 && (s=='Male' || s=='Female' || s=='Not Specified') && dd.length==2 && dm.length==2 && dy.length==4 && a1==true && a2==true && a3==true){
    			var d=dd+'-'+dm+'-'+dy;
    			var url="/includes/registration/step3_ajax.php";
    			$.post(url,{sessid: '<?=$_SESSION['sessid'];?>', action: 'post_validate', fname: f, lname: l, sex: s, dob: d, declaration1: '1', declaration2: '1', declaration3: '1'}, function(d){
    				} else {
    					//alert("Something went wrong... Please try again!!! DEBUG: \n\n" + d);
    		} else {
    			notify('error',"Something went wrong!!! Please try again.\nDEBUG: "+d.length,'topCenter',true,'relax');
    function getProgress(){
    		url: "<?=$public_ajax;?>async/get_progress.php",
    		type: "GET",
    		contentType: false,
    		processData: false,
    		async: false,
    		success: function(data){
    			$(".progress").css('width', data+'%');
    I'm getting max execution time exceeds in step2_ajax.php because of the for loop. I want to display the progress as php inserts the data to mysql.
  7. Thanks to all. Yeah, the domain is working. And one more question, I'm setting up my domain with Yandex.Com (Email Hosting), after verifying domain ownership I'm advised to set the MX record for subdomain: "@", priority: 10, destination: mx.yandex.net. So, my question is, from where I've to change the MX record, from Yandex.com or HelioHost? If from HelioHost, then where I've to put the subdomain "@" as HelioHost doesn't allow to change host for MX records.

  8. Sir, I've tried to add the domain but got the following error:

    The adminbin park in the Cpanel namespace call to function ADD ended prematurely: The subprocess ended prematurely because it received the ALRM (14) signal.


    Can you explain me what does the above message means?


    Tried again. And now I've got this error:

    (XID vrm7p2) The domain netmate.cf already exists in the Apache configuration.


    According to the error, the domain already registered/added but I couldn't add the domain as it gave an error as I said in the previous reply.
  9. Sir, I want to either park a domain to an addon domain like "netmate.cf"=>"netmate.cu.cc", or change the current addon domain(netmate.cu.cc) to netmate.cf. Can I park a domain to an addon domain? Or can I change the addon domain without deleting any files/directories of the addon domain?

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