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Posts posted by sagnik

  1. I think no. Because, HelioMine & GoFundMe both are different to each other. HelioMine fulfills the monthly donation plan for HelioHost for maintenance purposes but I think, GoFundMe is a temporary service to install a new hardware & a new server called "Lilly".

  2. Ok, I'll donate. But how do you increase user's storage space? Because there will be too many users who want to donate. Will it be like donate for an account on "Tommy" instantly or something else?

    And what do you mean by "2000MG"?

    And will every users who have donated get the same storage space?

  3. But sir, I've 2 classes included in common in all pages, one is "WNInternal.php" (This takes care of the things related to Internal functions/features. For example "redirect users based on 'refid'", "get page url from database for mobile/desktop pages") and another is "Whatsnew.php" (It takes care of all the things related to Products/Categories). So how can I close the MySQL connection in between the script. But I've tried to close the connection using my own database function "db_close()" in "__destroy" function but it doesn't work, in fact, it triggers an E_WARNING level error saying that "mysqli_thread_id() - expects parameter 1 to be MySQLi resource", "mysqli_close() - expects parameter 1 to be MySQLi resource", "mysqli_kill() - expects parameter 1 to be MySQLi resource". I hope you can solve the problem. Sir you have root access, so you can check my custom database functions in "/home/sgn/public_html/wn/config/SGSSPL.php". If it needs any changes you can tell me.

  4. To prevent your account to be suspended due to inactivity, you must have to login to your account at least once in a month through https://www.heliohost.org/login staying logged in from cpanel.yourdomain.com is not enough. I don't know why your account had suspended, but if your account was suspended due to inactivity then you can renew your account from https://www.heliohost.org/renew. Otherwise, the heliohost admins will definitely solve your problem.


    Secondly, if you've been forced to be logged out from cpanel, it may be because your external ip gets changed. You can view your IP at, http://www.whatsmyip.org/.


        $headers .= 'Cc: noreply@maicol07.tk\r\n';	//<-- his code
        $headers .= 'Cc: noreply@maicol07.tk' . "\r\n";	//<-- correct way???
    Are you sure the last added header can't contain a line break string??


    Please take a look at example #3 : https://www.w3schools.com/php/func_mail_mail.asp .




    Yes, the last line also contain a line-break like you did but he had merged the line-break with the header inside the quotation mark so it didn't worked. As it was the last line of his mail headers block, I've removed the line-break. And may beis another reason, the emails he used in the 'from' & 'cc' header it has not configured correctly so the email couldn't send.

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