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Posts posted by sagnik

  1. I had downloaded the backup of my account. But when I had tried to sign-up using the same credentials, I had got an error informing that the account is already exists. So please delete the existing account and grant me to create a new account in Tommy Server if possible. Here is my account details:

    Server: Stevie

    E-mail: sagnikganguly2012@rediffmail.com

    Main Domain: sgnetworks.cf

    Addon Domain-1: sgservices.ml

    Addon Domain-2: sgsoft.ml

  2. Sir, I've an account with the username "sgscl" on the server "Johnny". As I was unable to login to the account I've created an account on "Stevie" with the username "sgn". So I request you to delete my existing account with the username "sgscl" and move my new account (sign) to the server "Tommy" if it's possible.. And I saw that, HelioHost is giving 1GB disk space if I verify my Email. But I still have 500MB of disk space.

  3. I have see that, a SSH Access option is added in Chanel of Johnny server. So, so I've generated a key and tried to use a ssh client, but I've got "Connection Refused" error. I don't know anything about ssh. I want to know can I connect to ssh? If yes, then how?

  4. Sir, I'm a student of Computer Science & Technology. I need a all that Heliohost offers in Johnny server for my study. But, the Johnny server of Heliohost crushes frequently. For the interuption of Johnny server, I'm able to complete my homework/project. I don't want to spend money for a hosting account, so I chosen Heliohost. Heliohost have all what I need. So I request please grant me to register two accounts one at Johnny server which will be my main account and another at Stevie. So when Johnny server will crush, I can continue my study with the account which will be at Stevie server. Please accept my request. I really need it.

  5. I'm developing a J2ME Application with Netbeans IDE. I've developed the demo version and signed with my own CA. When I'm testing the app on a Nokia 5130c-2, I've found that, all Application Permissions can be set to "Always Allowed" even I've added only "javax.microedition.io.File.read & write" in "MIDlet-Permissions", so why all the permissions are enabled?

    How can I restrict all the permissions to be changed by the user except the permissions the signed MIDlet requires?

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