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Posts posted by sagnik

  1. You can use ProGuard. It is for Java Mobiles. After the Compilation process finished, you can exit the J2ME SDK Mobile and open ProGuard and enter the compiled class file path, check all the checkboxes, press "Options", select "Start". After the preverification process finished, open MiniCommander or any Archieve Manager, and copy all the preverified class files to a new folder (i.e, ProjectName), open the new folder and create a new sub-folder named "META-INF", copy the "manifest.mf" file to the "META-INF" folder and rename it from "manifest.mf" to "MANIFEST.MF". Now go back to "ProjectName" folder and select all files and folders and create a zip archieve named "ProjectName_jar", now exit the application and goto the folder where you have created the "ProjectName_jar" file and rename it from "ProjectName_jar" to "ProjectName.jar". That's all......

  2. You can export the database and save it as *.sql file. To do these, just follow the following steps:

    Goto "PhpMyAdmin" > Select the "database" > Select "Import/Export" > Select "Export" > Follow the steps there

  3. You can set "display_errors" and "error_reporting" to "on" to analyse the problem.

    Like these:

    ini_set('display_errors', 1); // Displays the errors
    error_reporting(E_ALL); // Turns on all errors (E_NOTICE, E_WARNING, E_STRICT, ETC) happening on your script
    $con = mysql_connect("username","password","localhost","user_database") or die(mysql_error($con)); // These will try to connect to database using details. If it couldn't connect then prints the error
    /*** OTHER THINGS YOU WANT TO DO ->> ***/

    After your problem was solved you can turn off

    Like these:

    ini_set('display_errors', 0); // Displays the errors
    error_reporting(E_NONE); // Turns off all errors (E_NOTICE, E_WARNING, E_STRICT, ETC) happening on your script
    $con = mysql_connect("username","password","localhost","user_database"); // These will try to connect to mysql, if it fails then nothing happens
    /*** OTHER THINGS YOU WANT TO DO ->> ***/

  4. #!/usr/bin/python
    print "Bienvenue sur mon site web !"

    The main problem on your code is that, you haven't declared the content type and the semi-colon(; ) is missing in the content. Please add the following line exactly after the shebang line:

    print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";

    After adding the above line and ";" to the content line, your code will look like:

    print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
    print "Bienvenue sur mon site web !";

    I've copied your code to my website and your code worked fine after adding

    print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";

    line. Take a look at www.sagnikganguly.ga/cgi-bin/to175.py

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