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Posts posted by sagnik

  1. I want to connect 2 one-way switches with 1 fan. In details: I've 2 fans and 2 one-way switches, I want the connection like, when I turn on 1st switch, it will turn on 1st fan and when I turn on both switches(1st & 2nd) then I want to turn on 2nd fan. And if 1st switch is turned off then the 2nd fan also will be turned off even if 2nd switch is turned off. In short I want to make the 1st switch the main switch which will controll 2nd switch as well as 1st fan. Can anyone please help me?

  2. Here is my circuit diagram. It has 4 LEDs but, I've used 3 rows of LEDs, each rows have 3 LEDs. In total I've 9 LEDs. Everything is working fine but, the problem is that, the LEDs are not bright enough. And I've a 9v Battery, a TIP-31 Transistor.


  3. I want to create a circuit board with 50 LEDs, 25 is for left channel and 25 is for right channel. The LEDs will blink on music. Without any complex electronics. I've already made it, but the power is too low. I've used 9 LEDs, 9V Battery, TIP-31 Transistor, 3.5mm Audio Connector (male) & Vero Board. How can I do this?

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