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Everything posted by yashrs

  1. This is related to the SQL issues that Stevie has been having for the past two months. That error is from the installer trying to create innodb tables. There's not much you can do about it except wait until it is fixed.
  2. Yeah, you should create new .htaccess file. Also, for your forum/blog which is http://proudlyloaded.in/ you should include the proper .htaccess file for that also. Every forum(for eg. IP.Board, PhpBB) has its own .htaccess file which allows the url to be requested to index.php
  3. <ifModule mod_gzip.c> mod_gzip_on Yes mod_gzip_dechunk Yes mod_gzip_item_include file .(html?|txt|css|js|php|pl)$ mod_gzip_item_include handler ^cgi-script$ mod_gzip_item_include mime ^text/.* mod_gzip_item_include mime ^application/x-javascript.* mod_gzip_item_exclude mime ^image/.* mod_gzip_item_exclude rspheader ^Content-Encoding:.*gzip.* </ifModule> Add the above code to .htaccess file.
  4. http://moz.com/blog/15-tips-to-speed-up-your-website Visit this link for some tips and tricks
  5. http://www.webpagetest.org/result/140424_4X_7FP/ Your website is getting loaded in 3.530 seconds(Full site with rendering of page). This shouldn't be slow. You maybe far from the heliohost server, so this problem may be occuring. My website is loading at 11 seconds
  6. You have evoked some function in your editor that formats your code to display it on a webpage. Which text editor did you use ? What is your website's address ?
  7. Change the name of .htaccess to htaccess(or whatever) and see whether your site is working.
  8. This is a 500 Internal Server Error. Can be a problem in your scripting. There can be a problem in the .htaccess file in the public_html directory. Please check it once.
  9. Just use the ns1.heliohost.org nameserver for the meantime. The ns2.heliohost.org nameserver is located with Johnny so it can be overloaded. Just use one nameserver and it is okay and your site will work fine. Also, you can set an A record to the IP of your account (found in the Stats column on the cPanel main page, under Shared IP, and only if your domain is registered as the main domain).
  10. If your website is already published you dont need to add CSS. But now if you are developing a new website from scratch remember to use CSS as the language for styling the elements. Do visit this link for online tutorials on CSS - http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp
  11. With a few steps, you can get it done from within your cPanel yourself. It's all about undoing whatever you did in the past. The six main steps that would help you reset your account are - 1. Create a backup. 2. Delete all your addon/sub/parked domains 3. Delete all your files. 4. Delete all your email addresses 5. Delete all FTP accounts 6. Delete all your databases and associated users. 1. First and foremost step - Create a backup. However unimportant a file might appear now, there's always chance that you might want it back once it's gone. So, the first step before any reset/deletion is creating a backup of your existing account. You can refer the following KB article to know more about creating backups. 2. Delete all your addon/sub/parked domains a. Click on Addon Domains / Parked domains/ Subdomains under the 'Domains' tab. b. Hit the 'remove' button next to your addon/sub/parked domains to remove them all. 3. Delete all your files. This can be easily done using the 'File Manager' feature in cPanel. a. Login to cPanel. b. Click on 'File Manager' under 'Files'. c. Opt the radio button 'Web Root (public_html/www)'. This will take you to public_html which is the document root of your main domain and contains the document roots of all your addon domains. d. Click on 'Select All' above the listed directories/files. e. Once they are selected, hit the 'Delete' button, which is the 'X' icon on top. f. This will clear off all your files. 4. Delete all your email addresses We normally go ahead with a cPanel resets when we mess up the contents of our site and want to do it all over again, which normally has nothing to do with the email accounts. You wouldn't normally want to delete your email addresses. However, if you want those too out of your cPanel, all you've to do is - a. Click on 'Email Accounts' under the 'Mail' tab. b. Hit 'delete' next to all your accounts. c. And they'll all be gone. 5. Delete all FTP accounts All your 'FTP accounts' will be listed under the 'Files. a. Click on 'FTP accounts'. b. Hit 'Delete' next to all your FTP accounts. 6. Delete all your databases and associated users. Last, but not the least, let's get all your databases removed. a. Click on 'MySQL Databases' under 'Databases' b. Choose to 'Delete Database' next to all your databases under 'Current Databases' c. Scroll all the way down to view all your database users. d. Click the 'X' button next to your users to remove them all. Once these 6 steps are done, your account is as good as a brand new one
  12. Use CSS instead of Font elements . CSS is very easy to use and also very helpful. Also use alt in img tags to make it more useful, if the images are broken or not available or are loading.
  13. I had only two posts on my website: (i) Norton Antivirus(Deleted because of copyright) and the other was (ii) Download C programming - Should I delete this post also for copyright ?(PS. It is just for my school friends)
  14. Thank you for escalating the request Admin, please tell me my fault and allow me and give me a chance to improve it
  15. But what have I copyrighted ? Please give me the details. And no problems, you tell me and I will remove it form my website. I just had a link which would lead a user to dropbox and I havent even uploaded something like that to Heliohost. Please give me access to my account.
  16. Why ? Please tell me a valid reason.
  17. Username : yashrs Heliohost main account : yash.heliohost.org Server : Stevie
  18. Link to a page on my website where PHP is getting executed even when the extension is random.1.2.3. : Link Is this the problem with the configuration of Apache with PHP ? Help needed. If I have uploading enabled and I am restricting PHP files then a attacker can upload a file with some other extension and execute PHP on my website. Thanking You, Yash Sodha
  19. Could it be an error in the HTML tags ? Check the proper opening and closing of the tags. The tags opened first should be closed first and the tags opened last should be closed last
  20. your site hexxi.tk is not at all opening from here ! By the way I do not think this is a problem with your PHP coding, and this is a server side issue. 500 is an internal error and not a client side error !
  21. Yeah, sometimes it can be great security issue for a website.. maybe you have not intended to do so but it can be .
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