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Everything posted by awesomegamer

  1. hey can you teach me to make all these cool things? im learning php, but maybe you could help if you like
  2. i got these numbers mathamaticly: 2+1=0 2*1=2 and now me 2+1=3 213
  3. awesomegamer


    yeah i really dont like internet arguments... flaming and whatever. besides you seem to know each other. i dont want to encourage but please argue in person or use the PM system. it would make us look unfriendly as a whole if its free to read.
  4. so um where do you live? i know english speakers are usually americans who are lazy and quit school to learn other languages. unlike me im going to learn the following languages during colledge. spanish french dutch japanesse german italian the chinese one... i cant spell it ... mandarian?...something i want to learn as much as posible
  5. awesomegamer


    lol, the term nerd has lost all meaning here anyways i guess by some i would be considered -- very computer literate. but nerds are thoes characters in movies and stuff... i dont realy know any like that.
  6. awesomegamer


    wow, im a mod, thanks lol, i went to bed before he posted that, well it made it a good surprise well ill do my best to be a good mod and everything, just let me know if there are any specific issues to discuss.
  7. you mean he was a webhost too? or just that you made a website and visit him less?
  8. yeah, we could look at posts per day. atleast 50 per month, and at least 2 posts per day.
  9. awesomegamer

    Free Domains!

    lol thats good, thats why i asked though cuz we could pay through even more posts or money.
  10. wow you sure you should give away that quick? people are gonna eat this site up... or something. make them really earn it. like the top guys here are at least 300 posts, they deserver 750. juast my opinin, but thatnks for a nice offer
  11. awesomegamer


    dont forget my hours of work! morning: 1hr (sometimes) computerclass at school 1hr 30mins (every 2 days) lunch 30mins (evryday... if i go to library) home 7hrs (weekdays) home 10hrs (weekend)
  12. yeah we post alot and help your forum the most, why not cut us a little slack and save us the money we earned here thats the way i see it
  13. yeah but im too lazy to check evry few hours and find nothing.
  14. ah, i see. just like yoshis island with babymario and yoshis story (perhaps he was still a baby but not in the game) all the graphics look like child drawings.
  15. like i said my lil bro plays it... when would it want you to buy something? ill tell him.
  16. im very good with td and tr and all tables stuuf getting just the way i want it to work. if you like you can draw an outline in paint or something and i can make it.
  17. cool, can we see your portfolio? (a collection of your work) just like you gave us samples f your logo work. and i wont use them in anything though... that would be rude.
  18. some of these things can be found freely but ill be nice and maybe buy something. you seem desperate for host credits.
  19. not too bad im past #2 and im likely to get #3 soon
  20. well its not that big of a problem i could just do it my self
  21. yeah so is it a good idea? like i said it would work to stay active.
  22. yeah im guessing #1 is 0 posts (ads only) or 25 posts (normal) and that #3 is for high posters for myself and you
  23. i havent added yet but is it vertical or horizontal? i would like a version of both. horizontal for forums and vertical for site.
  24. ok there were about...5?... yes 5 spam replys here. dont reply if you have... oh dont bother ive said this enough, they dont get it.
  25. really, i never paid much attention to that, or was it ont noted somewhere before? anyway, im was going to set up my school forum but not on a gaming site. awesomegaming.net/hhs (hahnville high school) btw, thats not registed domain name yet, but it will be. the host i had before this i was on 4 days and someone took my .com :angry:
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