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Everything posted by awesomegamer

  1. hi there! welcome to helionet! thanks for joining and be coming a part of a great host and forums with lots of helpful members, enjoy! we seem to be getting alot of new members lately.
  2. oh, then whats going to happen to GM? i know that mark wont make any money so he wont make any more programs, but the old ones ofcourse would still be usable, especially if you registered one. i did.
  3. oh, arent thoes thing illegal? in some cases, napster was like that but music only and they were shut down. but kazaa is still around but its based in mexico where anything is legal. i dont really kjnow this stuff so ill back out of the topic now.
  4. yeah but that would be free when people have to buy it anyway so whats the point? they should allow this for more business i guess so, but then the XBL was a waste and you could get free.... but for the ones who know this i guess its ok and balances out with people who dont know.
  5. yeah, i hate popusps, did they not think we didnt notice the big "shoot the bad huy get an xbox!1111//111 l337!!!" and popunders are anyoying too esepecially the ones that stretch out my scrool bars 100 times wider and hide them selves in the middle somewhere i cant fing them. a poll perhaps? best pop-up blocker?
  6. awesomegamer

    Free Domains!

    free domain seems nice. im just mad because after my first hosting someone stole my d-name 4 days after my site got started! i have to get .net now.
  7. yeah, alot of members at the GMC (gamemaker community) (lol, cant stop talking about it) have in their sig against TCPA because they want to but mark overmars' program from him and he wont have any business and gamemaker wont be free... or maybe even exist.
  8. im not quite familliar with bittorrent (?) could some one explain please? ill search for it aswell.
  9. im not so sure as i dont have an xbox, but microsoft would be smart to block this... likely.
  10. oh, well if anyone else is interested then let me know but i should make my own topic about my mmorpg. the test wont be released for a while, and im not allowing help until my first test release to make sure it all works.
  11. yeah, the horseback with sword thing sounds awesome. but in OoT you could just run down most enemies, and use your bow and arrows. i like the new style of graphics.
  12. competition lol, buy mine! the first 10 can get an account for 5 helions!
  13. my fiend when up to a random girl the other day and said this just to see if he could... was your chair on fire? because your a** is hot! i dont know if she had a boyfriend because we didnt know here but by my guess he wasnt arround. i couldnt believe he said that to someone he didnt know, she could have reported him for harassment, her b/f could have been there and kicked his a**, anything... thats why i only say thoes things to people i know who will think it funny and never get in trouble.
  14. yeah when i got some extra cash ill get my friend to use his pappal and send him some. more uptime would be nice but i understand its not always like that so im happy as is.
  15. 141 like 1 for 1 an eye for an eye!
  16. ice [before posting remember to insert funny sentence here]
  17. because moderators are suposedly the ones who help. you could make a seperate poll for memebrs only or mods only.
  18. i voted for gamemaster_268 because hes the only mod i notice bing active and actually doing work. hes also a very good member.
  19. lol, then i guess i have control over thoes 2 wors and this one! soon all the words will belong to me! HAHAHA *choke* *cough* inhaler please *inhale* HAHAHAHAHA um.... oh, yeah mexico
  20. ARRRRRRGHHH!!! I HATE THIS!!!! (not the host) but people who dont understand the slighetst bit about hosting! be thankful you have this host! it is free! its alot better than some others! why did you choose free hosting.... because you cant buy hosting right! djbob got us all this stuff for free and all you can think to do is cry that it was down! handleing a host is not just but a server give out free stuff NO! theres alot more to it! managing the bandwidth, paying bills, and making sure all kinds of different things are working! im sorry, it just upsets me when people talk about stuff they dont understand and/or cant handle. and its free!!!
  21. sprry for getting off topic, but at HerLoss, there really was a restraing order and an abuse arrest, what did you do to abuse? sounds like something the crazy h**s at my highschool would do. sadly i dont have a girlfriend and i dont know whats its like to be dumbed... unless you mean 2 years ago when my g/f dumped me because i was a QUOTE! "your a programer who spends too mcuh time on the internet... (me: talking to you!) you will never make any money or become anything like this" that was in 9th grade, she moved, im in eleventh now. not as dramatic as anyone elses but the last bit is what hurt me the most. after that i though "ill show her" "ill be like billgates v2.0!" the next day i felt like telling her (but i didnt) her who is the richest person in USA? is he a football player? an actor? a guynacologist!? no! he is a programmer! sorry for the rant there.
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