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Everything posted by awesomegamer

  1. lol, cheating the syster but thats bad, dont do it, play fair
  2. *gets really drunk and starts talking crazy* you know how to solve (hicup!) the worlds problems... ? we just gotta (hicup!) buy(hicup!) all (hicup!) them cow foods and stop the methane (hicup!) gas to destroy the ozone and the would will be (hicup!) peace. now (hicup!) saddams not a bad guy its the ozone (hicup!) getting to (hicup!) him. now all you guys, you dont want (hicup!) a (hicup!) ozond do you? (hicup!) *passes out on floor*
  3. i dont like that idea because some one on some other forum, used it as an excuse to post in a topic twice in a row (1 with each account) and give him the points he earned all to his main account. it wasnt a host but it still had the store we have here and stuff.
  4. awesomegamer

    Surf Junky

    ill leave it on overnight and when i go to school
  5. what comment is spam? is it on the pictures or a statement made here? oh i see, you mean SBA's post ? if so, one of your posts in this topic is verty similer to be considered spam
  6. there isnt much drafting anymore. thats only if you choose to be in the army. and if your not doing sanything "armyish" (ie: my older bro worked with mailing in the army) they can put you in to battle. but they cant do it to normal people.
  7. me neither. ill have to give it a try... im guessing http://a9.com but i think domain name rules say it has to be bigger.
  8. he's not trying to inslt us. i dont think thats his aim at all. hes trying to explain how we are biased, which i think isnt just us. the point of when i said "put this same topic on KL" was that whatever forum you put it on, theres a 95% chance (not literal, just a guess) that the forum hosting the poll will win. every one on a forum could be biased, thats why they are on the forum, they probably like it.... or wasting their time.
  9. it is better then a gamble cuz if i lost i would owe you 100 a day so what do you think of my idea?
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