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Everything posted by awesomegamer

  1. dictatorship is a form of comunism. dont get them confused as seperate things, ones just a branch of the other.
  2. is it so much work for the other person to position the seat the way they need it?
  3. Led Zeplin made staiway to hevon right? theres a version, if you play it backwords he talks about satan, it sounds real and makes sence! its true, i reversed it myself.
  4. check out the topic from my controversy series there is much discussion on that there, your getting off topic here.
  5. there has been much conflic between you two lately, please stop. its not good. settle your arguments in a PM and stop using the forums to share the hatred with evryone.
  6. i wonder are any of thoes images are faked.
  7. i havent seen etronicgaming much lately, maybe he was presured and left.
  8. i start smashing batterie rechargers into a fine powder and throw it in peoples eyes to blind them.
  9. do you mean he doesnt speek correctly, or do you mean literally?
  10. oh, i wishi i knew you guys so i could talk about these people too, i feel so left out.
  11. awesomegamer


    that must suck, does anybody get hurt? (busses go off the road, ofcourse they get hurt!) but can you describe more?
  12. cool, maybe a site somehow "masking" itself would work too? is that what this does? i dont really understand it.
  13. ive recently seen a movie called Pi, it was odd, not worst (wrong topic eh?) but still kinda bad. anybody seen it?
  14. So they threw it at school busses.
  15. 20 years? a president can only have been president for 8 years.
  16. soccer team = developed got it! what makes a developed country?
  17. im not so sure, he comes once in a while, i was out for 2 day at one point. i think i made up for it getting over 100 posts today, beating KC's record!
  18. so they get admin access? or they just get to tell an admin what to do?
  19. awesomegamer

    Surf Junky

    thats too bad. so whats the mouse detection? you have to stay active? i cant leave it on overnite?
  20. thanks for the votes guys i voted for (actually im about to) GM268 because he is the higest posting member, very well respected, and takes care of this forum.
  21. although djbob approved an idea of mine, but its not like this, its a completely different person. he siad its ok.
  22. awesomegamer

    Free Domains!

    ill probably be next, sent you a congradulations PM.
  23. great plot and interesting you get a good grade?
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