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Everything posted by awesomegamer

  1. cool, is that how viruses work?
  2. well most communisms and dictatorships are gone, there are only a few left. im glad its that way because yes, commuism is the perfect government, its just people abuse that system of it.
  3. awesomegamer


    lol for summer vacation, i usually go north to see family
  4. ok, well back on topic to Sims 2 please
  5. ok, i thought you were pressuring him, maybe he was just busy
  6. awesomegamer

    Free Domains!

    1/6! i thought it was 6000 making that be 1/3 ? anyway i put 2050 in your topic
  7. 2050 can you give the exact time (and time zone its based in) and the date? that this will end?
  8. what was he banned for? and as a moderator... should i remove posts rights? if so when?
  9. awesomegamer

    Surf Junky

    lol, howd you know what i was gonna do? [EDIT] btw, you cant change thoes values, you need a DLL, thats what im looking for and i found one [/EDIT]
  10. the monkey shouted "I GOT THE POWER!"
  11. classic is good, i dont know the indivisual composers but its good.
  12. oh yeah, well i say MWAAHAAHAAHAA!!!!! the sound of my horible voice paralyses everyone
  13. yeah, well i definately would like to see more
  14. well there are clearly over 100 members, but they each need 25 posts? that equals 2500 posts. (if you ment average posts per member) then we are passed that!
  15. USA is a greedy country, and powerful, USA is the bully. im from USA
  16. done you sent me the topic idea and i posted it, had i read this earlier i would probably undersatand it better.
  17. they get involed in aything against their religion that government improves, and things keep going the churches way, giving them too much power, and ruining freedom of religion.
  18. about the friendly guys, do the guard not care? something should be done about that.
  19. i remember it was after i could walk, first memory... holding my aunts hand, walking down a sidewalk, holding a ballon from cucos (i think because we went there alot, later) and then this dog was behind a fence barking at me. It was my first undersatding feeling of coniousness and a dog scared me, [bleeped!]. anyway, i remember that i understood what was happening it isnt like "what is this strange world?" it all seemed normal even though "I" (because it was my memory, not me) had no memory of it before. i think thats because you learn things subcontiously first.
  20. thanks for giving me credit, remember, i said you could add if you like.
  21. so they are being rude and cruel to others and they dont expect hatemail? there was a black hatred site but it got shut down gladly, iim against racism at all.
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