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Everything posted by awesomegamer

  1. i just setup my account for email "awesomegamer@awesomegaming.net" i cant seem to get it to work. im using thunderbird. can someone tell me what i need to set everything to be? 100 helio reward if it works. thanks
  2. yeah, alot is based on religion. just out of curiousity, are you jewish? im not racist, im very open minded, just curious.
  3. if i make a bid, and you cant reach it in 3 days 3360
  4. i tried to post in the guest section, didnt allow me
  5. this arguing is getting old, it also (although unlikely) may just be a sceme to get more posts, thus im going to reduce helions for every next argument against one another. you may argue (discuss) the topic, but nothing personal. If this continues, ill just close the topics because they seem to be generating alot of flame wars, when they were only intended to bring discussion.
  6. oops! lol, you know it was a typo i ment 2600 anyway, 3300
  7. this is rediculous. im not voting either. all this flaming going on, im going to talk to djbob. this poll will only instigate them to flame and argue more, even with you. there are 4 main people involved in flaming, im not blaming any 1 in particlular for starting it, but im going to talk with djbob about the flaming and the followning people: (no specific order) Korps Commander Phoenix Flame Myscrnm HerLoss *Topic Closed*
  8. i must not have been paying any attention to this, but i do remember majazac telling me her gallery worked and then it didnt, maybe this had something to do woth it. now that everything works, i guess majazac's gallery should work too.
  9. i voted for you, and i made a small "bumper sticker" in my sig.
  10. awesomegamer


    you mean the button i just made for you? in my sig?
  11. i sure will, until one of us does not reply fo 72 hours(with a bid) 2550
  12. infereor, sounds like hitlers perfect race.. or in this case, the perfect species, humans!
  13. this is gonna sound like a chuld molester... no, but seriously, i would take the boys. they would probably naturally grow to be stronger and stuff. but thats sounds more like slavery... but thats not what i mean... i cant explain, any body understand? want to help?
  14. i guess it should be the womans choice. and just out of curiosity, how old are you? majazac? if you prefer not to tell thats ok.
  15. thats true, getting it from another person, and not yourself appropriately.
  16. so let me see... nintendo owns mario rareware owns super smash bros microsoft now owns rareware microsoft is going to put smash bros on xbox, but they cant because nintendo own the mario characters! :confused:
  17. awesomegamer

    Free Domains!

    sorry, im confused, how does this work?
  18. I'm sorry.. where did I imply I was a girl? lol. There is DEFINITLY a penis down there. lol, sorry, i knew you were a guy cus i could tell from previous posts, its just that the "Her" part in your name threw me off, sorry, lol yeah, i feel stupid now
  19. dreamcast was the collest! but all we ever owned was the segs saturn, it kinda had 3d like the N64, it also could play music (cds), i liked that.
  20. i was thinking of donating it to my friend craig, he has been very helpful lately. but he said in simpliest terms "thanks, but no thanks" ill figure something to do with it, but ill wait a while, i dont want to run down your money, you are so nice for this free sevice and the domain you rewarded me.
  21. 50% ! only about 10% of criminals do bad things like rape and kill and rob banks. most of them were just speeding and other stuff. i dont think they deserve to die.
  22. i guess, thats why i said it was not fair but djbob ok'd it. [EDIT] forgot my bid --> 2390
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