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Everything posted by awesomegamer

  1. i was going to test but it wont let me, i havent triwed anything over even 20kb! it wont allow when i tried MID, PNG, JPG, TXT, nothing whats wrong?
  2. My teacher gave us some topics to research, 20 of my "ACS"s were from these. I thiought this would be a good place to discuss them. Thanks for helping i did add a few of my own because a few people seem to like them
  3. how about points for recruiting someone? the person you recruit will verufy that. you also check IP and stuff.
  4. hi i was wondering if anyone plays any MMORPGs i used to play runescape and darkthrone but they got very boring. do any of you play games like these?
  5. I like nintendo because of its fun classics, but the PSP from sony is great!
  6. On april 19th, Adobe boght the Macromedia company for $3.4 billion dollers!
  7. he hasnt done anything yet (PF512) and myscrnm will be unbanned in less than a day
  8. i think the started or this topic is no longer here
  9. you have to ask it permission to teach it or something. say "how can i teach you" then it will say how, and you will be enabled to do so... i think
  10. its started all ready . and for GM268's top 5, what about a moderator version? if you look at the bottom of the page theres a link to the top posters, daily and overall.
  11. in the KL/HN poll, theres discussion about communism, they made somee good points, have a look.
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