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Everything posted by awesomegamer

  1. ok, but i havent edited my site for a while. ill do it once i get a few members to my forum... which isnt set up yet so please nobody jpin ok... you think its hard to get people to join but then you tell them not too and...
  2. i got 3 dvd players, and a dvd writer/riper/editer/whatever on my computer
  3. about HAKGTWC ofcourse it was stupid, thats what all thoes movies are like, its how stupid they are that makes the movie funny
  4. lol, also congrats on the 84 posts per day. i think thats the best record. during my first few days i had a record of 4x (x = some diget i forgot.) [edit] lol, not 4x, i ment 3x [/edit]
  5. well i guess id vote for here because well... im here. and the KL forum is kinda rude to this one... and im not a member of that.
  6. the plastic walruses whic roam freely in
  7. yeah im not too crazy about it either but it would be neat to see it early
  8. im confused, who is are you talking about and comparing to who?
  9. yes but now you always hear on the news about bombings of soiders, they dont seem to like them so much anymore
  10. wow, waht a great discussion, just dont get too angry please things were better before bush came along, but was it really him, all this happened after 9/11, but under bushs orders which werent too great. but that event could have happened to any president and they could have messed up too, it just this even is the on bush had. i hope that wasnt confusing
  11. well we got involed ourself so we should help, but iraq should be able to solve its own problems without USA controlling it, they need to rebuild their country, but they cant do it if someone else is doing it for them. but we messed them, up, so its kinda both ways for me.
  12. yeah but just as rely on theoil in mideast, it probably would affect the prices of everythiung coming in from china so that would be a problem too.
  13. my older brother is realli interested in the starwars series, well probably go see it within the first-7th day of its release in theatres.
  14. as an american, i know that bush wouldnt mind because he believes he is "rebuliding" iraq and doing the right thing. as a citizen i may seem biased, but america had been around for about 225 years, and has had 10 major wars. nevr lost any. im sure its honest to say america has the strongest army, and with us on your side you will win
  15. sounds great, maybe just a topic and first to answer. because anybody could lookup the info, so make it more like a race. if they get something wrong, the other people have to figure out which ones were wrong, and repost all the answeres with the fixed ones replacing the wrong ones. hmmm...
  16. yeah because you would stay with someone who doesnt truly want to be with you and then you realize it may have been a waste of time.
  17. lol, invite him and josh to helionet maybe if they read this and dont know our usernames with our real names they wont know who said it but they will understand
  18. you mean how i write a little sentence and "play" with the numbers?
  19. lol, im sad im not on the list oh, wait, im a mod! you gotta respect me!!! hahahahaha! you have no choice!!! oh, yeah, um, congradulations to all
  20. so every one in this topic knows each other? and this josh guy? so far i know hes 1. gay 2. anoying
  21. USA and UK is basicly the same, im from USA, quite a few online buddies from UK, we talk using our microphons too.
  22. mulhalen drive (?) it had no plot, completely confusing
  23. well judging by the fact that alot has been going on between the two, my guess would be no. and i have never (was about to!) gone to KL and wont because they are very imature for what ive heard a hatred topic? [bleeped!]? how lame is that? a hatred topic just because you dont like someone and now your making the whole forum and site look bad. there stil is some discussion here, but this may be closed later because this is not a place for hatred against others. THIS WAS MY OPINION AND DOES NOT REFLECT THE VIEWS OF ALL MEMBERS OF HELIONET
  24. a book huh? i learned it just by reading html websites, i dint go to any courses, read books, read websites that teach html, it was easier than i thought.
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