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Everything posted by cl58

  1. Over 24 hours ago, I added a subdomain to my account (u.cl58tools.co.cc to account cl58tool). However, over a day later, I still see the Account Queued page. (http://u.cl58tools.co.cc/cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi) with the HelioHost Account Queued title. Should I wait another 24 hours (well, less now) or is there a problem?
  2. Thanks, that did it. But, why would 755 work and not 777. 777 is 755, but with added permissions. It has execute permissions with 777.
  3. I am having trouble running a perl script. It is giving a 500 Internal Server Error. Its permissions are 777 so I don't know why it is not working. The file is http://cl58tools.co.cc/guestupload/upload.cgi (it did not work in cgi-bin either). The script is from http://www.ftls.org/en/examples/cgi/eUpload.shtml
  4. No, but they do not show in the installed modules list. I will show the installation records of each module. CGI::Carp Encode::Guess HTML::Entities It seems as though everything is going through successfully, but, in reality, it is not.
  5. I am trying a different script, but now there are other modules, listed below, that will not install. In the install log, it says the [module name] is up-to-date. However, they are not showing in the list of installed moldules at :2082/frontend/x3/module_installers/main.html?lang=perl in my cPanel. CGI::CarpEncode::GuessHTML::Entities
  6. I need the Net::IRC perl module installed, but it will not work. A record of the entire install can be found at http://cl58tools.pastebin.com/f354c3aa6 so you can see the error. Please help, thanks.
  7. cl58


    What is the sendmail Path for this server?
  8. After re-chmoding the two files, they did begin to work. (see with the links above). They also work in cgi-bin. MovableType is working now (out of the blue. I didn't even change the file permissions), but nothing in http://services.cl58tools.co.cc/ is.
  9. That does not work either. I put it into time.pl and time.cgi and neither worked. You can see at http://services.cl58tools.co.cc/time.cgi and http://services.cl58tools.co.cc/time.pl
  10. It is all perl scripts that I have tried to use. If it is coincidence, wow, but I do not think it is.
  11. As far as I know, MovableType does not have that line in any of its many files.
  12. But, why is that causing all perl/cgi scripts to not work.
  13. Honestly, I am not worried about the module not being installed. MovableType is more important in this matter. Also, the lack of the one module is not causing the problem because none of the MovableType CGI or Perl files are working.
  14. Which ever file your having a problem with. I want to download the script to my site and see if I can generate the errors. I put the IRC script up and, if you want to check out MT, I haven't edited anything so you can see http://www.movabletype.com/ for the code (only if you want to check both and fixing one may fix the other).
  15. Which one? The IRC one or a MoveableType file? IRC One #! /usr/bin/perl BEGIN { use CGI::Carp qw(carpout); use diagnostics; open(LOG, ">errors.txt"); carpout(LOG); close(LOG); } my $BSD_STYLE_LICENSE = <<'EOF'; Copyright (c) 2007, Jason Fesler All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. Neither the name Jason Fesler nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. EOF use Net::IRCService; use Net::IRCService::DB; use YAML::Syck; # Human readable, used for config use JSON::Syck; # Machine compact, for machine readable log use Text::Wrap; use strict; use FileCache maxopen => 100; use POSIX qw(strftime tzset); my $VERSION = "0.10"; ########################################################################## # WARNING # ########################################################################## # my_* functions will be called BEFORE Net::IRCService::DB functions # # will due to our local functions being registered before DB functions. # # Unfortunately, DB functions can only be registered AFTER we init # # Net::IRCService; and I want to have all hooks in place before then. # ########################################################################## my $YAML = "$0.yaml"; my %yaml; # $0.yaml config my @bots; # Array of yaml->bots my %bots; # Copy of yaml->bots my %joined; # Bots track where they joined my %topics; # track topic changes my %topics_by; # And who made them my %my_EK_count; # How many times any one op killed me my $db = new Net::IRCService::DB; my $statusbar = '-\|/'; my $statuscount = 0; $| = 1; init(); main_loop(); ###################################################### # Function declarations # ###################################################### # I'm a bit inconsistent on where I use these. sub print_tty(@); ###################################################### # Configuration and Init related # ###################################################### sub _lc($) { my $nick = shift; $nick =~ tr/[]\\/{}|/; return lc($nick); } sub init { load_yaml(); log_init(); copy_event_numbers(); &init_service( %{ $yaml{"connection"} } ); } ## end sub init sub load_yaml { my $ref = LoadFile($YAML) or die "$!"; %yaml = %{$ref}; after_yaml(); } sub save_yaml { DumpFile( "$YAML.$$", \%yaml ); if ( -s "$YAML.$$" ) { rename( "$YAML.$$", "$YAML" ); } else { warn "Failed to create a useful $YAML.$$"; } after_yaml(); } ## end sub save_yaml sub after_yaml { @bots = keys %{ $yaml{"bots"} }; %bots = map { $_ => 1 } @bots; } my %eventnumbers; sub copy_event_numbers { foreach my $e ( keys %Net::IRCService:: ) { if ( $e =~ /^EVENT_/ ) { no strict "refs"; my $f = "Net::IRCService::$e"; eval { # Do not error. Just try it, and let exceptions go silent. my $fvalue = &$f(); $eventnumbers{$fvalue} = $e; # Prepare debugging function my $d = "debug_$e"; my $perl = "sub $d { my_ALLDEBUG('$e',\@_) }"; eval $perl; die $@ if $@; my $m = "my_$e"; if ( defined( &{$m} ) ) { # Add local function to chain if found add_event_handler( &$f(), \&$m ); } else { # Add debugging function to chain to show uncaught events add_event_handler( &$f(), \&$d ); } }; } ## end if ( $e =~ /^EVENT_/ ) } ## end foreach my $e ( keys %Net::IRCService::) } ## end sub copy_event_numbers ###################################################### # IRC server events # ###################################################### sub print_tty(@) { print @_ if ( -t STDOUT ); } sub my_ALLDEBUG { my $e = shift @_; $e = $eventnumbers{$e} if ( exists $eventnumbers{$e} ); return if ( ( $e eq "EVENT_DEBUG" ) && grep( /irc_send_now/, @_ ) ); print_tty "\e[1;31m" if ( $e eq "EVENT_RAW_IN" ); print_tty "\e[1;33m" if ( $e eq "EVENT_RAW_OUT" ); print_tty "\e[0;33m" if ( $e eq "EVENT_SEND" ); print_tty "\e[0;33m" if ( $e eq "EVENT_SEND_NOW" ); local $YAML::Syck::Headless = 1; if ( scalar @_ <= 1 ) { print "$e\: @_\n"; } else { print Dump( { $e => \@_ } ); } print_tty "\e[0m"; } ## end sub my_ALLDEBUG sub my_EVENT_DEBUG { } sub my_EVENT_RAW_IN { } sub my_EVENT_RAW_OUT { } sub my_EVENT_RAW_SEND { } sub my_EVENT_SEND { } sub my_EVENT_SEND_NOW { } sub my_EVENT_RAW_SENDNOW { } sub my_EVENT_CAPAB { } sub my_EVENT_MODE { } sub my_EVENT_SERVER { } sub my_EVENT_SNICK { } sub my_EVENT_PING { } sub my_EVENT_INIT { } # idle loop sub my_EVENT_DO_ONE_LOOP { $statuscount++; if ( -t STDOUT && -t STDERR ) { die "what statusbar=$statusbar" unless ( length($statusbar) ); print STDERR substr( $statusbar, $statuscount % length($statusbar), 1 ); print STDERR "\r"; } if ( ( $statuscount % 10 ) == 0 ) { logbot_periodic(); } } ## end sub my_EVENT_DO_ONE_LOOP sub my_EVENT_DISCONNECTED { print "Server has disconnected, we need to clear all state.\n"; print "Cheating and just exiting instead.\n"; print "Run this under daemontools.\n"; exit; } ## end sub my_EVENT_DISCONNECTED sub my_EVENT_CONNECTED { $db->init(); # Start tracking users, channels, etc. } sub my_EVENT_SVINFO { bot_connect($_) foreach (@bots); # Connect our bots } sub my_EVENT_SSJOIN { my ( $server, $ts, $channel, $mode, $nick ) = @_; logbot_do_logging( "JOIN", $nick, $channel, "" ); bots_join($channel); } sub my_EVENT_PART { my ( $nick, $channel, $message ) = @_; $message ||= ""; logbot_do_logging( "PART", $nick, $channel, $message ); $nick = _lc $nick; $channel = lc $channel; $DB::single = 1; my (@users) = grep( lc $_ ne $nick, $db->channel_get_users($channel) ); if ( !scalar @users ) { # The bots are the last here. We are no longer needed. foreach (@bots) { bot_part( $_, $channel ); } delete $topics{$channel}; } ## end if ( !scalar @users ) } ## end sub my_EVENT_PART sub my_EVENT_QUIT { my ($nick) = @_; foreach my $channel ( get_user_channels($nick) ) { print "EVENT_QUIT: Caling my_EVENT_PART($nick,$channel,Client quit IRC)\n"; my_EVENT_PART( $nick, $channel, "Client quit IRC" ); } } ## end sub my_EVENT_QUIT sub my_EVENT_CTOPIC { my ( $nick, $channel, $topic ) = @_; logbot_do_logging( "TOPIC", $nick, $channel, $topic ); $topics{ lc $channel } = @_; $topics_by{ lc $channel } = $nick; } ## end sub my_EVENT_CTOPIC sub my_EVENT_KILL { my ( $nick, $bot ) = @_; $nick = _lc $nick; $bot = _lc $bot; if ( exists $bots{$bot} ) { bot_connect($bot); bot_say( $bot, $nick, "Please do not kill the bot. It reincarnates and you do not." ); if ( $my_EK_count{$nick}++ > 2 ) { bot_kill( $bot, $nick, "Please do not kill the bot. It reincarnates and you do not." ); } ## end if ( $my_EK_count{$nick... foreach my $channel ( $db->channel_list ) { logbot_do_logging( "KILL", $bot, $channel, "Bot killed by $nick but reincarnating" ); $joined{$bot}{$channel} = 0; bots_join($channel); } ## end foreach my $channel ( $db->channel_list) } ## end if ( exists $bots{$bot... } ## end sub my_EVENT_KILL sub my_EVENT_KICK { my ( $nick, $channel, $bot ) = @_; my ( $kicker, $channel, $kickee ) = @_; $nick = _lc $nick; $bot = _lc $bot; if ( exists $bots{$bot} ) { # We got kicked, dude! logbot_do_logging( "KICK", $bot, $channel, "Kicked by $nick - considering this an uninvite" ); $joined{$bot}{$channel} = 0; # Treat like uninvited: $yaml{bots}{$bot}{"channels"}{$channel} = 0; save_yaml(); bot_say( $bot, $nick, "Use /invite $bot $channel to bring me back." ); bot_say( $bot, $nick, "Or use /msg $bot join $channel if your client does not do invites" ); } ## end if ( exists $bots{$bot... else { logbot_do_logging( "KICK", $kicker, $channel, "kicked $kickee" ); my_EVENT_PART( $kickee, $channel, "kicked by $kicker" ); } } ## end sub my_EVENT_KICK sub my_EVENT_WHOIS { my ( $nick, $bot, $crap ) = @_; $nick = _lc $nick; $bot = _lc $bot; my $s = $yaml{connection}{SERVER_NAME}; irc_send("311 $nick $bot $s * :services bot uses Net::IRCService"); irc_send("318 $nick :Nosy bugger aren't you"); } ## end sub my_EVENT_WHOIS sub my_EVENT_PRIVMSG { my ( $nick, $towho, $string ) = @_; if ( $towho =~ /^#/ ) { logbot_do_logging( "PRIVMSG", $nick, $towho, $string ); } $nick = _lc $nick; $towho = lc $towho; if ( exists $bots{$towho} ) { if ( $string =~ m#\x01PING# ) { $string =~ s#PING#PONG#; bot_say( $towho, $nick, $string ); return; } } ## end if ( exists $bots{$towho... # We still don't know if this is a message to me my $tome; my $replyto; if ( $towho =~ m/^#/ ) { # Really a channel ( $tome, $string ) = split( /[ :]+/, $string ); if ( exists $bots{ lc $tome } ) { $replyto = $towho; } else { return; # Not a message to me. } } else { if ( exists $bots{$towho} ) { $tome = $towho; $replyto = $nick; } else { return; } } ## end else [ if ( $towho =~ m/^#/ ) my $bot = $tome; # $tome = my name # $nick = requestor # $replyto = how to reply my (@words) = split( /\s+/, $string ); if ( ( $replyto =~ m/^#/ ) && ( $string =~ /^(part|leave)\s*$/i ) ) { # Leave this channel. bot_say( $bot, $replyto, "/invite $bot to bring back" ); bot_uninvited( $bot, $replyto ); return; } ## end if ( ( $replyto =~ m/^#/... if ( $words[0] =~ /^(join|invite)$/ ) { if ( $words[1] =~ /^#/ ) { if ( $db->channel_exists( $words[1] ) ) { bot_invited( $bot, $words[1] ); } else { bot_say( $bot, $replyto, "No such channel $words[1]" ); } } ## end if ( $words[1] =~ /^#/) return; } ## end if ( $words[0] =~ /^(join|invite)$/) my @args = @words; my $f; $f = "$bot" . "_" . shift @args; if ( defined &{$f} ) { no strict "refs"; return if &$f( $nick, $bot, $replyto, @args ); } $f = "$bot" . "_" . "unhandled"; if ( defined &{$f} ) { no strict "refs"; return if &$f( $nick, $bot, $replyto, @words ); } bot_say( $bot, $replyto, "unknown command \x02$string\x02" ); } ## end sub my_EVENT_PRIVMSG sub my_EVENT_NOTICE { my ( $nick, $towho, $string ) = @_; if ( $towho =~ /^#/ ) { logbot_do_logging( "NOTICE", $nick, $towho, $string ); } } ## end sub my_EVENT_NOTICE sub my_EVENT_CNICK { my ( $oldnick, $newnick, $ts ) = @_; # Need to find all channels to log this in. foreach my $channel ( get_user_channels($oldnick), get_user_channels($newnick) ) { logbot_do_logging( "CNICK", $oldnick, $channel, "nick changed to $newnick" ); } ## end foreach my $channel ( get_user_channels... } ## end sub my_EVENT_CNICK sub my_EVENT_AWAY { my ( $nick, $message ) = @_; foreach my $channel ( get_user_channels($nick) ) { logbot_do_logging( "AWAY", $nick, $channel, "Away message: $message" ) if ( $message =~ /./ ); logbot_do_logging( "AWAY", $nick, $channel, "No longer away" ) if ( $message !~ /./ ); } ## end foreach my $channel ( get_user_channels... } ## end sub my_EVENT_AWAY sub my_EVENT_UNKNOWN { my (@stuff) = @_; my ($stuff) = @_; if ( $stuff =~ m#^PASS (\S+) TS (\d+)# ) { irc_send_now("PASS $1 TS $2"); return; } if ( $stuff =~ m#^:(\S+) INVITE (\S+) (\#\S+)#i ) { my ( $nick, $bot, $channel ) = ( $1, $2, $3 ); bot_invited( $2, $3 ); return; } if ( $stuff =~ m#^:(\S+) AWAY(.*)# ) { my ( $nick, $msg ) = ( $1, $2 ); $msg =~ s/^\s+//; $msg =~ s/^://; my_EVENT_AWAY( $1, $2 ); return; } ## end if ( $stuff =~ m#^:(\S+) AWAY(.*)#) my_ALLDEBUG( "UNKNOWN", @_ ); } ## end sub my_EVENT_UNKNOWN ###################################################### # Helper functions for a bot # ###################################################### sub bot_shouldjoin { my ( $bot, $channel ) = @_; $bot = _lc $bot; $channel = lc $channel; if ( exists $yaml{"bots"}{$bot}{"channels"}{$channel} ) { return $yaml{"bots"}{$bot}{"channels"}{$channel}; } if ( exists $yaml{"bots"}{$bot}{"autojoin"} ) { foreach my $re ( @{ $yaml{"bots"}{$bot}{"autojoin"} } ) { return 1 if ( $channel =~ m/$re/ ); } } return 0; } ## end sub bot_shouldjoin # Scan configs for $channel # See what bots belong there # See how many of them are not yet joined. sub bots_join { my ($channel) = @_; my @needbots; foreach my $bot (@bots) { if ( !$joined{$bot}{$channel} ) { push( @needbots, $bot ) if ( bot_shouldjoin( $bot, $channel ) ); } } return if ( !@needbots ); my $ts = $db->channel_get_ts($channel); $ts ||= time; foreach my $bot (@needbots) { irc_send("SJOIN $ts $channel + $bot"); $joined{$bot}{$channel} = 1; logbot_do_logging( "JOIN", $bot, $channel ); if ( $bot eq "logbot" ) { # Make sure we record who is already in channel once we start logging my @users = $db->channel_get_users($channel); if (@users) { logbot_do_logging( "JOIN", "@users", $channel ); } # Indicate who we are, and a timestamp if ( $yaml{options}{introduction} ) { bot_say( $bot, $channel, $yaml{options}{introduction} ); } } ## end if ( $bot eq "logbot" ) my $f; $f = "$bot" . "_" . "joined"; if ( defined &{$f} ) { no strict "refs"; &{$f}($channel); } } ## end foreach my $bot (@needbots) } ## end sub bots_join sub bot_connect { my ($bot) = @_; my $t = time; my $s = $yaml{connection}{SERVER_NAME}; irc_send("NICK $bot 0 1 +i ~$bot $s $s :services bot"); } ## end sub bot_connect sub bot_say { my ( $bot, $nick, $message ) = @_; logbot_do_logging( "PRIVMSG", $bot, $nick, $message ); irc_send(":$bot PRIVMSG $nick :$message"); } sub bot_kill { my ( $bot, $nick, $message ) = @_; my $s = $yaml{connection}{SERVER_NAME}; irc_send(":$bot KILL $nick $s\!$nick :$message"); } sub bot_invited { my ( $bot, $channel ) = @_; $bot = _lc $bot; $channel = lc $channel; $yaml{bots}{$bot}{"channels"}{$channel} = 1; bots_join($channel); # Will join if needed save_yaml(); } ## end sub bot_invited sub bot_part { my ( $bot, $channel ) = @_; $bot = _lc $bot; $channel = lc $channel; if ( $joined{$bot}{$channel} ) { logbot_do_logging( "PART", $bot, $channel ); irc_send(":$bot PART $channel") if ( $joined{$bot}{$channel} ); $joined{$bot}{$channel} = 0; } } ## end sub bot_part sub bot_uninvited { my ( $bot, $channel ) = @_; bot_part(@_); $bot = _lc $bot; $channel = lc $channel; $yaml{bots}{$bot}{"channels"}{$channel} = 0; save_yaml(); } ## end sub bot_uninvited sub get_user_channels { my ($nick) = @_; return () if ( !$db->user_exists($nick) ); my $ref = $db->user_find($nick); my @ret; foreach ( keys %{ ${$ref}{channels} } ) { push( @ret, $_ ); } @ret = sort @ret; return @ret; } ## end sub get_user_channels ###################################################### # logbot specific # ###################################################### sub logbot_help { my ( $nick, $bot, $replyto, @args ) = @_; if ( $replyto =~ /^#/ ) { bot_say( $bot, $replyto, "To have $bot leave, type: \x02$bot\: leave\x02 . You can get the log url with \x02$bot\: url\x02 . For more info, \x02/msg $bot help\x02." ); } else { bot_say( $bot, $replyto, "To invite me to a channel, either \x02/msg $bot invite #channel\x02 or, from the channel, \x02/invite $bot\x02" ); if ( $db->is_oper($nick) ) { bot_say( $bot, $replyto, "Oper only: \x02/msg $bot showchannels [-v] [-users] [#channel ..]\x02" ); bot_say( $bot, $replyto, "Oper only: \x02/msg $bot showusers [username ..] [servername ..]\x02" ); } ## end if ( $db->is_oper($nick... } ## end else [ if ( $replyto =~ /^#/ ) return 1; # Handled } ## end sub logbot_help sub logbot_info { my ( $nick, $bot, $replyto, @args ) = @_; my $i = $yaml{options}{introduction}; bot_say( $bot, $replyto, "log-irc.pl $VERSION; this installation: $i", ); return 1; # Handled } ## end sub logbot_info sub logbot_version { return &logbot_info(@_); } sub logbot_time { my ( $nick, $bot, $replyto, @args ) = @_; _logbot_ts( "logbot", $replyto ); return 1; } sub _logbot_url { my ($channel) = @_; my ($name) = logbot_set_basename($channel); my ($dir) = $yaml{options}{logpath}; substr( $name, 0, length($dir) ) = ""; $name =~ s#^/+##; my ($urlbase) = $yaml{options}{urlbase}; $urlbase =~ s#/+$##; $name = "$urlbase/$name"; } ## end sub _logbot_url my %logbot_url_last; sub logbot_url { my ( $nick, $bot, $replyto, @args ) = @_; if ( $replyto =~ /^#/ ) { my $url = _logbot_url($replyto); bot_say( $bot, $replyto, "log file url is \x02 $url \x02" ); $logbot_url_last{ lc $replyto } = $url; return 1; } else { return 0; } } ## end sub logbot_url sub logbot_showchannels { my ( $nick, $bot, $replyto, @args ) = @_; # Privately only. return 0 if ( $replyto =~ m/^#/ ); return 0 unless ( $db->is_oper($nick) ); my %options = map { lc $_ => 1 } @args; $options{"-channel"} = 1 if ( grep( /^#/, @args ) ); # Limit to a few chans foreach my $channel ( $db->channel_list ) { # Sometimes we only want a specific channel next if ( ( $options{"-channel"} ) && ( !exists $options{ lc $channel } ) ); my @show; my @users = $db->channel_get_users($channel); my $count = scalar @users; # Sometimes we want to know who is inside, too. if ( $options{"-users"} ) { my @users = $db->channel_get_users($channel); foreach my $user (@users) { my $ref = $db->user_find($user); if ( $db->has_op( $user, $channel ) ) { $user = '@' . ${$ref}{"nick"}; } elsif ( $db->has_voice( $user, $channel ) ) { $user = '+' . ${$ref}{"nick"}; } push( @show, $user ); } ## end foreach my $user (@users) } ## end if ( $options{"-users"... @show = sort @show; unshift( @show, "($count)" ); local ($Text::Wrap::columns) = 400; if ( $options{"-v"} ) { $channel =~ s/^#//; $channel = "#\Q$channel"; } @show = wrap( "$channel ", "$channel ... ", @show ); foreach (@show) { chomp; bot_say( $bot, $nick, $_ ); } } ## end foreach my $channel ( $db->channel_list) bot_say( $bot, $nick, "End of showchannels @args" ); return 1; } ## end sub logbot_showchannels sub logbot_showusers { # Sneak a peek into Net::IRCService::DB - no API my ( $nick, $bot, $replyto, @args ) = @_; # Privately only. return 0 if ( $replyto =~ m/^#/ ); return 0 unless ( $db->is_oper($nick) ); my %options = map { lc $_ => 1 } @args; $options{"-user"} = 1 if ( grep( /^[^-]/, @args ) ); # Limit to a few users or a server # Copy the hash over. my @users = $db->user_list; my %byserver; foreach my $user (@users) { my $ref = $db->user_find($user); my $show = ${$ref}{'nick'}; # As they are known as, not LC my $server = ${$ref}{'server'}; # Where are are in from next if ( ( $options{"-user"} ) && ( !exists $options{ lc $user } ) && ( !exists $options{ lc $server } ) ); # nick hops ts mode ident host server geco $show = "\@$show" if ( $db->is_oper($user) ); $byserver{$server} ||= []; push( @{ $byserver{$server} }, $show ); } ## end foreach my $user (@users) foreach my $server ( sort keys %byserver ) { my @show = @{ $byserver{$server} }; @show = sort @show; my $count = scalar @show; unshift( @show, "($count)" ); local ($Text::Wrap::columns) = 400; @show = wrap( "$server ", "$server ... ", @show ); foreach (@show) { chomp; bot_say( $bot, $nick, $_ ); } } ## end foreach my $server ( sort keys... bot_say( $bot, $nick, "End of showusers @args" ); return 1; } ## end sub logbot_showusers ###################################################### # Logging related functions go here. # ###################################################### my @tz = (); sub log_init { unless (@tz) { my $t; if ( exists $yaml{options}{tz} ) { $t = $yaml{options}{tz}; if ( !ref $t ) { $t = [$t]; } @tz = @{$t}; } ## end if ( exists $yaml{options... } ## end unless (@tz) # die "No TZ in config file (options->tz should be scalar or array)" # unless (@tz); $ENV{"TZ"} = $tz[0] if (@tz); tzset(); die "missing options->logpath" unless ( $yaml{options}{logpath} ); die "missing options->urlbase" unless ( $yaml{options}{urlbase} ); die "missing options->periodic" unless ( $yaml{options}{periodic} ); logbot_periodic(); } ## end sub log_init sub channel_safe { my ($channel) = @_; $channel = lc $channel; $channel =~ s/^#//; $channel =~ s/[^a-z0-9_-]/_/g; return $channel; } ## end sub channel_safe my ( $year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute ); my ($nextperiodic); my %filename_cache; my %did_ts_cache; sub logbot_periodic { my $time = time; my $frequency = $yaml{options}{periodic}; if ( $time > $nextperiodic ) { # print "logbot_periodic recalculating\n"; $nextperiodic = $time + $frequency - ( $time % $frequency ); $ENV{"TZ"} = $tz[0] if (@tz); tzset(); ( $year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute ) = split( / /, strftime( '%Y %m %d %H %M', localtime time ) ); %filename_cache = (); # Force recalculation %did_ts_cache = (); # And channel announcements } ## end if ( $time > $nextperiodic) } ## end sub logbot_periodic sub _logbot_ts { my ( $bot, $channel ) = @_; $channel = lc $channel; my $ts = timestamps(); $did_ts_cache{$channel} = time; bot_say( $bot, $channel, "time is $ts" ); if ( $channel =~ m/^#/ ) { my $url = _logbot_url($channel); if ( $url ne $logbot_url_last{$channel} ) { bot_say( $bot, $channel, "log file url is now \x02 $url \x02" ); $logbot_url_last{ lc $channel } = $url; } } ## end if ( $channel =~ m/^#/) } ## end sub _logbot_ts sub logbot_set_basename { my ($channel) = lc shift @_; if ( !exists $filename_cache{$channel} ) { my $channel_safe = channel_safe($channel); my $dir = $yaml{options}{logpath}; $dir =~ s#/$##; # Trim to known state my $log = "$dir/$channel_safe/$year/$month"; system( "mkdir", "-p", $log ); $log .= "/$year-$month-$day"; $filename_cache{$channel} = $log; } ## end if ( !exists $filename_cache... return $filename_cache{$channel}; } ## end sub logbot_set_basename sub openfile_txt { my ($channel) = lc shift @_; return cacheout ">>", logbot_set_basename($channel) . ".txt"; } sub openfile_machine { my ($channel) = lc shift @_; return cacheout ">>", logbot_set_basename($channel) . ".machine"; } sub logbot_do_logging { my ( $event, $nick, $channel, $message ) = @_; $nick = _lc $nick; my $onick = $nick; if ( $nick =~ /^[@\+]/ ) { $nick =~ s/^[@\+]//; } else { if ( $db->is_member( $nick, $channel ) ) { $onick = ( $db->has_op( $nick, $channel ) ? '@' : '' ) . $nick; } } $channel = lc $channel; no strict "refs"; if ( $joined{"logbot"}{ lc $channel } ) { my $fresh = !exists $filename_cache{$channel}; my $fh_mac = openfile_machine($channel); my $fh_txt = openfile_txt($channel); if ($fresh) { $fh_mac->autoflush(1); $fh_txt->autoflush(1); } # Machine parsable print $fh_mac JSON::Syck::Dump( { "time" => time, "event" => $event, "nick" => $onick, "channel" => $channel, "message" => $message } ) . "\n"; # Human readable my $time = strftime( '%H:%M:%S', localtime time ); if ( $event eq "PRIVMSG" ) { print $fh_txt "$time $channel <$nick> $message\n"; # Timestamps _logbot_ts( "logbot", $channel ) unless ( $did_ts_cache{$channel}++ ); } elsif ( $event =~ m#^(CNICK|KILL|AWAY)$# ) { # don't show channel name print $fh_txt "$time $nick $event $message\n"; } elsif ( $event eq "TOPIC" ) { print $fh_txt "$time $channel $nick changed topic to $message\n"; } else { print $fh_txt "$time $channel $nick $event\n"; } } ## end if ( $joined{"logbot"}... } ## end sub logbot_do_logging sub timestamps { my $time = time; my @res; my $prevdate = ""; if ( !@tz ) { my ( $d, $t, $z ) = split( / /, strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %Z', localtime $time ) ); return "$d $t $z"; } foreach my $tz (@tz) { $ENV{"TZ"} = $tz; my ($where) = reverse split( m#/#, $tz ); tzset(); my ( $d, $t, $z ) = split( / /, strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %Z', localtime $time ) ); if ( $d eq $prevdate ) { push( @res, "$where=$t $z" ); } else { push( @res, "$where=$d $t $z" ); $prevdate = $d; } } ## end foreach my $tz (@tz) $ENV{"TZ"} = $tz[0]; tzset(); return join( "; ", @res ); } ## end sub timestamps Also, http://services.cl58tools.co.cc/perl/errors.txt is working now.
  16. Wizard, normally I would agree with you, but for this forum in particular, I agree with djbob. This is a support forum so people should not worry about how many posts they have. If they need help, good. If they help someone else, good. There should not be a rating on support. Anyway, it doesn't have any big effect on anything, so it doesn't matter. DJbob is the admin so he decides
  17. That file along with all MoveableType files are all 755
  18. I did that and it is still showing the 404 Internal Server error as if the file does not exist. Also, the errors.txt file is not being created.
  19. Out of curiosity, when do the promotions take place for the star system on the forum. (Don't worry, I'm not going to put useless posts to rank up, I'm just curious).
  20. My entire error log: Also, where do I put that code. I am now trying to install MoveableType and I need perl for that.
  21. I am trying to run a log bot for irc on services.cl58tools.co.cc however, I cannot get the script to run. Everytime I run http://services.cl58tools.co.cc/perl/log-irc.pl it says: Please Help
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