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Everything posted by majazac

  1. you're doing the best thing ever to join this board to fix your english. Mine has improved a lot, since I left behind certain language habits... You can always ask Herloss to fix it for you... oh wait! he does that without asking... (jk)
  2. "moi, je m'appele lior" Although my grammar in french sucks... but guess that's it...
  3. love that song. American Idol Finale that aired today in Brazil... I HATE TAYLOR HICKS!
  4. majazac


    ouchhh.... kill me if i understood a single word of it... but it sounds cool. I always though that those languages that are sorta drawed are cuter than the normal letters
  5. HATE necromancers... anyway...
  6. Marioooo.... I LOVED him. First videogame i got was the plain and simple Nintendo... I loved the guy.... I WANNNTTTT
  7. wow... if is that expensive for you guys can't even imagine how much is gonna be here in Brazil... They won't sell it here...
  8. guess it depends on what he likes... but really... the guys are good
  9. i watched it... a bit heavy, but real truth... Don't like it though... Ok, it's well made, but too heavy
  10. nooooo... windows is already a crap in hd let alone online... NOOOOO
  11. snif... WHYYYYY is it so expensive an ipod where i live... I WANNA MOOOOOVEEEEEE
  12. since here laptops costs about 3000 - 5000 reais (aprox. 1400 - 2400 US$)
  13. i like dhtml also... but still goes with php
  14. google images is really great.
  15. didn't saw it yet... Got pictures? Too lazy to google it...
  16. water cooler??? Never thought that water and eletronics could mix together...
  17. i love italian, although i don't know how to speak it. Love french too, and this one i know...
  18. CSI Miami on TV playing as background music Pump It from The Black Eyed Peas
  19. since i don't know nothing about asp and sop far i just know html and php, i'd choose php
  20. lol, i already knew this one, but is really great!!!
  21. welcome lior!!!!!!! I love Kelly and Charmed too!!!!
  22. lol... true... but be carefull to have your back covered... with him we never know
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