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Everything posted by Dragonfire

  1. i think the wii has some problem in it, some part of it comes out easily and then it bounces off and can injure you badly, better be careful!!!
  2. hey, i have a gmail account, for quite some time now, but still i do not know how to incease the amount of gmail invites i can send to other people. waiting for answer...
  3. hey, what do you mean when you used the termed 'overclocked'. does it have something to do with the processor speed
  4. i heard that was this new wireless network device that transmits data around 11 times faster .. the name is 801.11b or something i think
  5. the sites about connecting to more people and making new friends, some of orkuts features are rating for cool, hot and trustworthy, making people fans, scrapping, messaging, making communities, checking profile views, searching for people with similar interests etc etc now its free to join so i think that you should join, its quite good.
  6. the best processor would be the intel quad core extreme but im not sure when it is coming out.. right now id go for intel core 2 extreme
  7. I read somewhere that microsoft was not making vista genuine but that was quite some time ago even before they brought out that validation tool, so does anyone have news about that? are they putting that validation tool in vista?
  8. hey, does anyone know a fast and cost-efficient broadband connection in the area where I live? I live in karachi, pakistan.
  9. intel is going for its quad core extreme, quite good performance but I bet theyre going to take out some new processors soon and the price would go down.
  10. some people also prefer dialup because they only use internet for checking their mails so in that way dialup is better..
  11. orkut is now much easier to join as you do not any longer require an invitation
  12. the place where i live the internet providers now offer much higher speeds, especially the broadbands here, however its still lower compared to the speeds of other countries..
  13. i just think that the playstation 3's better in everything except for price, and you dont only check out the console,you should also check out which games there are for that console
  14. but I do not advice you to get it now, get them when some new processors come out and the price of core 2 duo and extreme would go down
  15. i might get the core 2 duo or the core 2 extreme processors next year, theyre the latest intel processors
  16. hey, did you people hear about the new wifi device, really good, the other wifis transfer speeds are about 11 mbps in tht range and this ones is around 180mbps but da thing is that its really costly but still, in some time, wireless internet would be more famous so I would just get it then
  17. there are many groups on google for orkut invitations .. you should try them
  18. intel has launched the core 2 duo and core 2 extreme and they are amazingly fast. Right now most of these processors are around 15 - 20 thousand but the latest one the core 2 extreme is very expensive go to www.intel.com to check out and compare their speeds
  19. i found this cool site Zstore, you can get all the episodes and movies you want from there, url is http://www.zstore.com
  20. okey, I would e-mail it to you, just keep checking your mail daily cause sometimes it takes time to send a person an invitation
  21. just use a webhost for normal storage for single file storage you could use http://www.megaupload.com and http://www.rapidshare.de if you want a picture gallery check out this website : http://www.photobucket.com, really nice
  22. i have it installed (beta 3 version), and one more thing just to tell you that anyone can download it for free but he should have genuine windows meaning (not a pirated version of windows) . go see it for yourselves http://www.microsoft.com
  23. but the problem is google doesn't give that good results, you have to go till the sixth or seventh page to find the stuff well, google is good for school work, projects etc... check out this encyclopedia, i think most of you are already familiar with it, url is http://en.wikipedia.org
  24. i dunt prefer google for animes, try msn for animes i found this nice p2p software: limewire , really gd .. but sometimes bad stuff cum on it b4 tht i used to use iMesh and eMule eDonkeyl, but beleev me limewire is da best
  25. i prefer google cuz it has many stuff : email websearch video search spreadsheets webhosting image search shopping and etc etc
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