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Everything posted by Dragonfire

  1. can you tell me the code for hiding the url of a site for e.g. www.mydomain.com/index.php?id=whatever
  2. try any of these: http://www.phpbuddy.com www.w3schools.com/php/default.asp www.phpfreaks.com www.freewebmasterhelp.com/tutorials/php www.webdesigns1.com/php
  3. thanks for the info .. can you find the script of php in which when you are editing your website then you do not have to edit the each page just have to edit the main file something like this www.mydomain.com/index.php?id=whatever waiting for reply
  4. by coding language you meen coding as for webpages or just programs I like Visual Basic really simple to use for making programs and for webpages i would just prefer php
  5. ill give you a list of a few internet games check them out : http://www.runescape.com (got crap graphics though) http://www.stickcricket.com (ill rate it average) also post any internet games that you play
  6. hey xbox 360 and ps3 are in competition well now i really think that ps3 is much much better than the xbox 360 .. well i also like the psp cuz its portable and has wireless playing and stuff ..
  7. i couldntt find a single search engine that gives you exact 100% search results .. but then i added smarterchild@hotmail.com and asked him and he gave the exact search result ... Smarterchild is a bot (program), it is programmed to reply you .. just have to add him and say something to him then he'll answer you .. for more info check out its website : http://www.smarterchild.com
  8. i prefer using a intel centrino laptop it has wifi and stuff and also pentium D and M
  9. hey can you tell me that does adding a wireless router to your cable connection increase your speed i only know that it makes your connection wireless .. and is there any device that increases internet speed
  10. can you tell me where to check out the price of the psp and the xbox 360 etc...
  11. hey people, list the best book you liked here.. i liked harry potter series .. it is quite good and also hardy boys..
  12. it was quite a movie .. it was a bit easier to understand this than to understand harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban to understand hp3 i prefer you just read the book before watching the movie .. its really complicated
  13. What's your favorite psp game? mine is dragonballz shin budokai, (first i thought that gta liberty city stories would be good but later found out it wasnt that good) post your favorite game here
  14. hey people, want a free website, ill design it for you. just go to my website http://mujtaba2020k.googlepages.com and check it out http://mujtaba2020k.googlepages.com it has a crap layout though, cause I don't want to waste my time designing a layout that if for displaying some webdsigning text its free check it out .. and plus give me suggestions of good webhosts...
  15. really nice game. ^^ well, I Have not played for a long time ..
  16. can anyone tell me the difference between visual basic and visual basic.NET
  17. can anyone tell me the difference between visual basic and visual basic.NET
  18. Ok. Ill add you Umer. My name is Mujtaba Pirbhoy and I live in Pakistan. Use the search by name 'friend finder' tool they have.
  19. He does not provide webspace to everyone for free. He himself buys it from some webhost. So please ask him if he could provide some webspace to me. Thanks
  20. but for britannica, you have to pay for it and encarta only has results of knowledgable stuff (educational) and wikipedia I like the best because it has everything also animes, games etc. well, if I had some school work then I would search on encarta
  21. I'll help you out in the 3rd book that is very easy for me. I'm studying the 8th book right now, And is anyone out there who could help me out in the 8th book?
  22. I love linkin park and metallica
  23. In my opinion, there is not any worst book because all books give information, knowledge or vocabulary. However, if some book is an insult to someone or something then that might not be good, ..
  24. My favorite is also eagle strike. Well, I found a cool website which is an online library of books (its legal) but only has a few books. They have taken the permission before putting it there.
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