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Everything posted by Dragonfire

  1. whats the url of your site.. i heard you need staff .. id love to help you
  2. I already tried search engines but didnt find the approproate results thats why im asking you .. do help me out
  3. someone here who is an expert at dos .. can you tell me how to copy files through dos .. because my friend's pc doesnt work, he needs some system file so he gets command prompt from a usb flash drive ... please help me out!!!
  4. i just found out why it was happenning .. it was because I had to change it to the UK Postal code as well then it would first become 25mb and then after a while become 250 mb!!!!
  5. then in that way everyone will have to download the font ,all the visitors.. an easier way is that you just go to http://www.1001freefonts.com and download the font on the server .. then each person who has the font or doesnt have the font can view it.... ENJOY!!!
  6. ask.com does give nice results but gives less results than other search engines.......
  7. im into both as well but i would love to go in the field of networking security and stuff
  8. now I'm planning to get a pc , these are the specifications : P-4 3.2DGhz (800Mhz-2x2MB Cache) 750 gb hard disk (seagate) lcd monitor black 19 inch motherboard (D945GNTLKR (A+S+1G-L) DDR-II + FIREWRIRE + PCX SLOT) really nice, but quite expensive,saving up for it
  9. correct again .. now comes the seventh Question : Which bit beast does brooklyn have?
  10. Correct again, but it was not necessary for you to give such a detailed answer you could also just have said that it was to protect the bit beasts. Okay... now comes Question 6 : Why did max, ray and kai go against tyson in G-Revolution?
  11. correct again .. lets see you answer this one Question 5 : What is the mission of 'the saint shields'?
  12. correct answer again .. Question 4 : Who owns Draciel and who owns Dranzer?
  13. correct. Question 3 : In which season does kai get black dranzer ?
  14. Saiyan Prince gave the correct answer to q1. Question 2: Which team uses the Cyber Bit Beasts?
  15. Hey people, This is a quiz of beyblade. Anyone can ask a question related to beyblade and answer. The first question is : Name tyson's first teammates.
  16. i dunt actually care what its name is .. i just care of its features and games and stuff....
  17. i can tell by the screenshot, it has quite good graphics .. thinking of getting it
  18. when i read the top part of it i thought how can some girl run away when she's only 15 .. then i got to know she was only kidding nice one though
  19. where did you get these funny pics from .. i myself got some from http://www.ahajokes.com
  20. you can get funny pics and and loads of jokes from http://www.ahajokes.com
  21. its would be fun if you had all that money and you were a kid, you spend it all and have fun for the last moments of your life .. however all except that part is terrible .. just imagine it .. you getting scolded by your kids ..
  22. his wife must have gone really really angry at him
  23. check out The guide to wife translations : The wife says: You want The wife means: You want The wife says: We need The wife means: I want The wife says: It's your decision The wife means: The correct decision should be obvious The wife says: Do what you want The wife means: You'll pay for this later The wife says: We need to talk The wife means: I need to complain The wife says: Sure... go ahead The wife means: I don't want you to The wife says: I'n not upset The wife means: Of course I'm upset you moron The wife says: You're ... so manly The wife means: You need a shave and sweat a lot The wife says: Be romantic, turn out the lights The wife means: I have flabby thighs. The wife says: This kitchen is so inconvenient The wife means: I want a new house. The wife says: I want new curtains. The wife means: Also carpeting, furniture, and wallpaper! The wife says: I need wedding shoes. The wife means: The other forty pairs are the wrong shade of white. The wife says: Hang the picture there The wife means: No, I mean hang it there! The wife says: I heard a noise The wife means: I noticed you were almost asleep. The wife says: Do you love me? The wife means: I'm going to ask for something expensive. The wife says: How much do you love me? The wife means: I did something today you're not going to like. The wife says: I'll be ready in a minute. The wife means: Kick off your shoes and take an hour nap. The wife says: Am I fat? The wife means: Tell me I'm beautiful. The wife says: You have to learn to communicate. The wife means: Just agree with me. The wife says: Are you listening to me? The wife means: [Too late, your doomed.] The wife says: Yes The wife means: No The wife says: No The wife means: No The wife says: Maybe The wife means: No The wife says: I'm sorry The wife means: You'll be sorry The wife says: Do you like this recipe? The wife means: You better get used to it The wife says: All we're going to buy is a soap dish The wife means: I'm coming back with enough to fill this place. The wife says: Was that the baby? The wife means: Get out of bed and walk him The wife says: I'm not yelling! The wife means: Yes I am! I think this is important! In answer to the question "What's wrong?" The wife says: The same old thing. The wife means: Nothing. The wife says: Nothing. The wife means: Everything. The wife says: Nothing, really. The wife means: It's just that you're an idiot. The wife says: I don't want to talk about it. The wife means: I'm still building up steam.
  24. well they could really use a few water coolers in the xbox 360 , it gets heated easily
  25. i think you hav to register first hav any other sites
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