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Everything posted by algby

  1. Solved it. Thank You. simon gracias.
  2. oh! OK. I'd set it right now. Thank you for taking time to answer, I'd update the records to match heliohost servers, Please have a look at the image & let me know iif the settings I've made are correct, thats I suppose.. incase if I've set it right I'll wait 24-48 hrs for it to become active for my domain. http://imgur.com/nJugdhQ Thank YOu, simon gracias.
  3. Helio-Ho, hmmm.... yep I'd played with that already, here's the error that I do get : {with-screen-shot} Adding Parked Domain There was a problem creating the parked domain. Show Details Using nameservers with the following IPs:,,, Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server. Please transfer the domain to this servers nameservers or have your administrator add one of its nameservers to /etc/ips.remotedns and make the proper A entries on that remote nameserver. http://imgur.com/BDxcU7z Thank You, simon gracias.
  4. There was a problem creating the parked domain. Show Details Using nameservers with the following IPs:,,, Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server. Please transfer the domain to this servers nameservers or have your administrator add one of its nameservers to /etc/ips.remotedns and make the proper A entries on that remote nameserver. i checked mx-records online. can you guys please check, help me to assign & register it in the system. Domain_Name: algby-inc.tk
  5. yeah Thanks. I'm in.
  6. Heliohost keep up the good work, I love your service. truly awesome. a general note for all users: ethnics-to-use-free-service: update to paid if possible, or pay your gratitude by clicking on ads. also sometime back I'd notice there was some post to support heliohost by completing surveys, I couldn't find the link, it would be nice if the heliohost admins could make that post sticky. I'm sure it would help support the service up to some extent.
  7. HI Heliohost Team, Please update your stevie cPanel licence. This server is currently not licensed. Please contact the server administrator. Other services available on this server such as web services are likely functioning normally. (License has a future date) [i]Once the license on this server is active, you will no longer see this message. If you have installed a license since loading this page, [url="http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/index.phpcp?post_login=13449495178380#"]click here to reload[/url].[/i] Thank you for your amazing service, really gives a lot of opportunity for beginners & developers.
  8. What is the error that you get? are you using any templating system?
  9. algby

    Johnny Relicensed

    good to know Johnny back.
  10. yeah, homepage & all links to algby.com returned 404. all seems good now... the eerrorr seemed most likely to be a DNS misconfiguration of A records in my domain registrar's cPanel. I re updated it which seems to have fixed the issue. Thanks for your support.
  11. Yeah thanks for the update .. yeah I was able to reset the password.
  12. I'm unable to reset my password from the cPanel.. I tried to reset it in past & I got a delayed response from cpanel@algbyz.tk with the confirmation code after 48 hrs (approx) when I used it, got message that the code has expired... server : jhonny userid : simsim emailid : thereturnofthedevil@rediff.com The account is suspended due to inactivity.
  13. I'd to reopen the issue I get 404 on all pages/links I'd cleared cache of my browser in chrome & firefox.
  14. sorry I'd to reopen the issue, this time I have the screen shots (firefox & chrome with history cleared) pls check the attachment. @Krydos I get 404 on all pages/links I'd cleared cache of my browser in chrome & firefox.
  15. hi @Ktag I'd like you to make a logo for my site, if you design me a nice logo I'd be happy.. I've just launched my site & it would be about PC stuffs. 1) algby (all lowercase letters: a b g b y) 2) black ( other colours CAN be included if it makes the logo eyecathcy options: #85C226 orange #9900FF #00CCFF ) tough black is what I'd prefer. 3) high quality any format 4) doesn't matter 4) check my favicon (algby.com) Thanks for the post.. all the best.
  16. thank you guys for your inputs, it seemed that the problem was with the browser.. thanks to @kyoushuu for mentioning that he was able to access it from his PC. I tried clearing cache, but didn't help, then I accessed the site from a different PC & didn't get the 404 error .. all's good & fine here. Thanks for your support. :D/&--#62; cheers!!!.
  17. all of a sudden now I'm getting a 404 error. can't seem to figure it out strange errors I'm facing these days.. sometime related to MX records sometime its with receiving email.. & now the biggie 404 I'm not able to access cgi-bin as well haven't modified as .htacess. WHAT? AFAIK I've configured my DNS the right way. I've set the NS to ns1.heliohost.org & ns2.heliohost.org & set the A record to in my cPanel of Domain registrar. Can someone please help me figure it out why I'm getting 404 or how can I fix it. details: framework : WordPress domain : algby.com
  18. Hey.. thanks for your inputs, I got it fixed.. I appended my domain registrar's NS in my domain registrar cPanel..& now I can receive mails in my inbox.
  19. I updated CNAME for webmail/smtp/pop3 & imap in heliohost cPanel with the details I have from my domain registrar, also I have enabled catchall email option in my domain registrar cpanel..however I can send emails out from my domain's inbox the problem is it doesn't receive mails & the emails are bounced back when I send from gmail. How can I troubleshoot this error.. please help me with this. http://webmail.algby.com This is the the bounced response I get back: when I send an email to my domain Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: simon@algby.com Technical details of permanent failure: Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain algby.com by algby.com. []. The error that the other server returned was: 550 No Such User Here
  20. Don't know what's going on but it seemed to be working now.. mostly likely probably propagation issues.
  21. Hi, I can't access my webmail... which I configured in helionet cPanel to use my domain registrar (bigrock.in) settings .. when I access the link webmail.algby.com I get helionet cPanel login where I should get a login something like us2.webmail.mailhostbox.com Have I configured incorrectly .. In my domain registrar (bigrock.in) control panel I have set my NS to point to ns1.helionet.org & ns2.helionet.org & later I appended dns4.bigrock.in dns2.bigrock.in dns3.bigrock.in & dns1.bigrock.in How Do I Configure my DNS / MX / CNAME to use webmail service provided by my domain registrar (bigrock.in) I've updated the DNS details in cPanel which I got from my domain registrar (bigrock.in) control panel which are as follows: Instructions by my domain registrar (bigrock.in) Your DNS Manager must insert the following MX records in the DNS Zone of algby.com 100 algby.com. us2.mx3.mailhostbox.com. 1 day 100 algby.com. us2.mx1.mailhostbox.com. 1 day 100 algby.com. us2.mx2.mailhostbox.com. 1 day Please add the following CNAME records for your branding to work Alias Host Canonical Host TTL imap.algby.com. us2.imap.mailhostbox.com. 1 day pop.algby.com. us2.pop.mailhostbox.com. 1 day smtp.algby.com. us2.smtp.mailhostbox.com. 1 day webmail.algby.com. us2.webmail.mailhostbox.com. 1 day Your DNS Manager must insert the following TXT records in the DNS Zone of algby.com I have updated the TXT as well .. but still can't access my webmail .. Please assist.
  22. <p>Hi... let me help you here..<br /> AS you want to send Thanks email to your Subscribers.. I would assume that you have a list of emails with you maybe in CSV file.<br /> You can do this in 3 ways, All thanks to heliohost.org awesome service.</p> <ul> <li>A PHP script <img alt="" class="bbc_emoticon" src="http://www.helionet.org/index/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png" title="" /></li> <li>A CGI script <img alt="" class="bbc_emoticon" src="http://www.helionet.org/index/public/style_emoticons/default/wub.png" title="" /></li> <li>Wordpress with <a href="http://wordpress.org/plugins/newsletter/">Newsletter plugin</a> (this would be easy to set up if you don't wanna get your hands dirty.. <img alt="" class="bbc_emoticon" src="http://www.helionet.org/index/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png" title="" /> )<br /> I think it would be a cake walk for you to setup WP & use the plugin.. there are many other options that you can you just search the WP plugin database.<br /> Hope it helps. <img alt="" class="bbc_emoticon" src="http://www.helionet.org/index/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png" title="" /></li> </ul>
  23. I keep getting 500 internal server error again and again repeatedly :angry: which affects user experience on my site due to this repeated 500 internal server error, moreover I am not even able to make any changes to my site or update it, this is very frustrating please solve this issue.This error stays for more then a minute & I see this error everyday. :angry: Stevie load is 14.xx% with uptime of 99.xx% most of the times but still I see this error.... My site is not putting much load on the server. I've installed WordPress on it. Please fix this error. I tried to attached an image for reference but it failed, it might be possible that the server or my site would be running at the time when you have a look. I also tried to check the errlog but even they seemed to be unaccessible & displayed a blank page The error occurs at any random time no specifics, such as while uploading or any modification... etc.. just random. username: simbha Domain: algby.com Server: Stevie Thanks for your support.
  24. Hi, My account is suspended, for causing high server load. I do apologize for the cause of this unexpected load, & I'm not aware of it. How do I check which application or service is causing it? Is there an Option in Control Panel? Please advice. HelioHost username: algby HelioHost server: stevie HelioHost main domain hostingace.co.cc {originally hostingace.co.cc was the main account, I changed it to www.algby.tk} Thank You for your Support.
  25. Hi, My account is suspended, due to inactivity. HelioHost username: algby HelioHost server: stevie HelioHost main domain hostingace.co.cc {originally hostingace.co.cc was the main account, I changed it to www.algby.tk}
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