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Everything posted by rondownload

  1. a. ronelex b. Jhonny Server c. ronelex.com
  2. can you help me find out what caused the heavy load?
  3. Ronelex stevie ronelex.com
  4. Thank you so much, I can now log in to my account . Tnx for the help
  5. I can't still access my account, still same error appear. I have tried to reset my password perhaps I forgot my password, but this error appear, Password change cannot be completed: Account is currently suspended! Please contact the billing/support department.
  6. same error, i dont know what to do next
  7. After being suspended, I can't log in to my cpanel, it says Login Attempt Failed! username : ronelex domain : www.ronelex.com server : stevie
  8. thanks I just forgot to log in for so bc on the work, thanks again waaah, I can't log in using my log in, username : Ronelex
  9. a. your HelioHost username: ronelex b. the server your account is on: Steve c. your HelioHost main domain: ronelex.com
  10. Having problems parking my domain. Error message: "Error from park wrapper: Sorry, you are not allowed to add any more than (0) parked domains!" cPanel user: bellorum Server: Stevie Heliohost domain:ronelex.com Registered domain to park: ronelex.tk Thanks in advance!
  11. How do I parked the domain ronelex.tk to my account? Domain: ronelex.com Server: stevie account: ronelex
  12. thanks for your response, now my site is now back to normal, thank you.
  13. Good day to all, Is there a problem to stevie server? I have this problem: Error establishing a database connection server: stevie username: ronelex
  14. lets wait for the support team to answer your question, I am also curious about it
  15. thanks for this information, this is waht I am looking for thanks to google
  16. I am from Bohol, Philippines, The land of Friendship
  17. nice one, I like the one with the look alike the tetris battle on facebook
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