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Everything posted by Shinryuu

  1. Ah, that page means you are set, HelioHost is now your host and when our automated system finishes doing it's thing epicmind.nl will shadow all files on epicmind.heliohost.org. Cheers and best luck to your band.
  2. To follow up http://whois.net/whois/epicmind.nl says your DNS records are set, so try to park now. Not sure what's up with byrondallas, it's having DoS issues right now...
  3. Sure thing, gotta rearrange my site a bit when I get home and eat, but after that i'll get to it. I'd like to point out that it's your responsibility to keep backups of these things, I'll have it up on my site for some time but not forever since we're limited to 500 megs.
  4. I mentioned in IRC that I'd be up for designing ad banners a couple weeks ago after Krydos had asked, so I figured I'd start a thread here about how that's going and to get feedback from users and staff. Currently my only ad (Work In Progress still) is at http://shinryuukai.t...HHBannerWIP.png but I plan on moving them to ads.shinryuukai.tk once the daemon gets around to setting up that sub. The current one is a static banner, but I can and will make some animated GIFs, if anyone has ideas for improving the current ad or ideas for GIFs please let me know. Also, I know it's huge, I'll scale it down when finished, and clip my stray pencil marks. To access individual layers add .001 .002 or .003 before .png EDIT: If a HelioHost user wants a personalized banner reply to this post with the following: 1) website or company name. 2) color scheme or pallette. 3) rough idea of what you'd like or whether it's up to me. - include size here, refer to wikipedia for standardized sizes. 4) contact email. Keep in mind I'm not a professional artist or graphics designer, and I'm a full time student, it may take a while to get your ads done but it'll get done.
  5. I got confuzzled here and thought he had set the ns. yes, in the time it takes for the DNS cluster to update traffic request forwarding for epicmind.nl to heliohost ns's and for you to park the domain in your cpanel, all requests to view your site will be lost in cyberspace. This is how the internet works: user types a URL in browser -> browser requests URL's location from local DNS -> if site was visited within 30 days, instantly respond to browser, else -> forward request to another DNS server, same as before, and this chain of requests keeps going until eventually a server returns the URL's location or the Time-To-Live (TTL) on the request causes the request to die. EDIT: To explain parked domains a bit better, when you park a domain in cPanel, the nameserver knows the parked domain(epicmind.nl) and any requests for information there = requests for your main domain(epicmind.heliohost.org), but the DNS records for your parked domain have to reference our nameservers for you to be able to accomplish this because only our nameservers know what URL corresponds to which folder/file in our hosting servers' directory structure, ie: epicmind.heliohost.org/index.php requests reference /home/usr/public_html/index.php.
  6. Since the nameservers are set just log into http://epicmind.heliohost.org/cpanel then under the domains heading click the parked domain button and enter epicmind.nl and you're done. Parking is like ghosting something, everything is identically accessible, any changes to epicmind.heliohost.org's /public_html/ folder will apply to epicmind.nl.
  7. This really belongs in Customer Service, however diblog.heliohost.org is showing the directory listing page and not account queued which means the site has successfully been created by the daemon, are you sure you are checking the address you used to register? Also log into your cPanel and check that you didn't mistype your address under Preferences->Update Contact Info.
  8. was feeling nosy.. /downloads/MinecraftSP.zip - "file appears malicious" ~.-
  9. you could use: http://www.heliohost.../scripts/domain to change your account's domain. to delete your account you can use http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/delete if you decide to go with the domain change remember to point the DNS records on your domain to ns1.heliohost.org & ns2.heliohost.org
  10. Johnny is a VPS on Charlie, might be good to check Charlie
  11. I think that it should also be mentioned here: http://www.heliohost.org/home/features/languages/aspnet The menus are dynamic so I never thought to click Signup, simply went to Stevie in the drop-down; on the other hand i did check for all the scripting language offerings, where there was no mention of Stevie's limitations and Johnny's advantages. Repeating the same information might be a bit annoying but it helps make things clear and the info more readily accessible.
  12. Ah.. keep us updated will you? I'm sure many web devs in the community would probably like this.
  13. Also http://webmail.centraldgr.com port numbers are hard to remember
  14. I checked and indeed there were many bots spamming things about boots and batteries and whatnot. My suggestion, if you are interested, is to limit your account creations to ~40 a day similar to how HH does new account signups, the reason i suggest 40 and not 50 is because you may need to occasionally send out emails of your own. Also I'd look through the forum for bots posting irrelevant things, it's going to be a lot of work considering how many posts there are, but they'll run up your 500MB quota on HH if you don't keep them in check.
  15. The trick is to create a script that searches for the function keyword which defines the, backtrack a bit to the start of the line to find the function's name (search after a "\n" and before ":") and have the function log an unknown function call was made when it finds no :, but does find \n. That's if you're asking for an anonymous function being called, if you're asking about a function that doesn't exist being called, do the above to parse the source file for functions and then append each found function name to an array. When a function call is made check the function called against this array before allowing the execution, I'm not sure where this would ever be needed, but that's the rough algorithm. I can make something in Ruby which can do these things but not in js since I'm a total newb at that.
  16. Some HTML tags considered by Search Engines to be indicative of relevancy aside from <meta> include title, header 1-header 6, emphasis, bold, and italics. While they might appear irrelevant to most people, the values in these tags give search engines a better understanding of the information presented on your page and it's general relevancy among search results. We often manipulate CSS to provide effects such as text resizing and formatting which makes our site look appealing to a reader, but we won't get many readers if we rely on CSS formatting because spiders aren't programmed to use CSS rules in calculations of information relevancy, they rely on pure HTML. A page's metadata is just a tiny part of SEO. Hope this helps some.
  17. I think he's looking to start a thread for people wanting to talk about/trade their Habbos.
  18. http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/delete http://www.heliohost.org/home/signup/stevie
  19. I suggest doing this: http://wiki.solusvm.com/index.php/Switching_To_Standard_Web_Ports opening a new port raises security concerns, best to change the app to run on standard ports.
  20. We are making it quite easily, the issue is capture but we're getting reasonably better. Because of the instability it's likely we'll use anti-matter for energy before we weaponize it, in an energy plant it's easier to keep it controlled than on a vehicle or in soldier's hands, imagine a canister of anti-matter self-destructing prematurely and destroying an expensive aircraft or tank, not favourable.
  21. I use MyPaint on Precise Pangolin, this machine is a tablet so it lends itself to drawing easily, however on windows the programs which allow you to get creative are few and far between. MyPaint crams a whole art studio in a simple UI with no limit on canvas size.
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