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Everything posted by Shinryuu

  1. I'd just like to say sorry we couldn't help here, but I saw the WP thread where you got your site set up anyways, so kudos on that . Personally I was stuck with tonnes of homework, or rather stuck redoing one week and adding another week, so I couldn't really look up anything that might get me sidetracked on a hundred different tangents .
  2. http://support.easydns.com/tutorials/DNSsetup/maindnsrec.php Used that as a quick intro to DNS when I read your earlier question.
  3. All modern browsers support these, however because different browsers use rendering engines, making your site look identical across all of them is near impossible unless you take the time to make the same page over for every browser that butchers it, and you'd have to query the client with javascript to see what browser they are on then serve them the right version of your page. Currently browsers each support HTML5 and CSS3 to a limited extent, though each browser supports them differently, and CSS layout in slightly different ways. All browsers support javascript(if the client wants it) and DOM, IE and FireFox even have COM functionality so that programmers can use languages like C++, VB, C#, Ruby etc to access DOM objects through the browser COM object. All browsers also share the event triggers such as OnClick, OnBlur OnFocus etc, and you can serve up fonts to be used while at your site.
  4. I'm not sure, but are you trying to create something like: http://shinryuukai.co.cc http://blog.shinryuukai.co.cc That's what I gathered as best I could from your post, if I'm wrong could you explain. If I'm right all you have to do is create a subdomain on your main domain and install wordpress in the sub, if/when you're ready to apply it to the whole site copy the database and install wp in the root folder /home/user/. Note: creating a subdomain is like creating a regular domain, you have to wait up to 24 hrs for the script to set it up and for it to become live.
  5. The A records are for the HH account, the HelioHost account's CNAME record will point the subdomain to the 1fh-hosted main domain's URL, but the way CNAME works is by pointing one URL to another, the nameserver then checks the A records for the pointed-to URL, which with those A records would tell the HH ns to pass the request to 1fh's nameservers, without them the HelioHost ns has no idea where the second URL is located.
  6. That message occurs when you or someone else tries to log into your cpanel with incorrect credentials at least 3 times, wait 15 mins then use your correct credentials.
  7. I think you should switch the port number to 587, if that doesn't help I'm not really sure what does, that seems to be a common error with no clear-cut solution. In the event it still gives an error, check your MX records and if those are good I'll just try to write up a slightly easier alternative.
  8. Is the CNAME record: www.space.spow.tk IN CNAME www.spow.hostingsiteforfree.com and have A records: www.spow.hostingsiteforfree.com IN A || || || || || || should work for you. Note: || means "ditto", since you said your other site is hosted by 1fh, those are ns1-ns4 IPs for 1freehosting.com.
  9. The code is sound, and it works on NS you said, I have this strong suspicion that changing: mailClient.EnableSsl = true; to: mailClient.EnableSsl = false; will be the magic solution.
  10. You could just redirect the sub.second.com/dir/index page to the first.com/dir/index page in cPanel, assuming both sites are registered in your cPanel. Another idea would be to use frames, which would let you load sub.second.com/dir/index and first.com/dir/index in one page.
  11. For more art: http://images.shinryuukai.co.cc
  12. If you don't intend to spend money how do you expect the technology to become available? Technology doesn't spring up on it's own, money is spent on research grants so that scientists can innovate the technology. While damming rivers is practical, if you actually stop and think of other states, you'll realize that your state is screwing everyone downriver out of their water supply. The Colorado River which carved the Grand Canyon is mostly a trickle of water by the time it reaches the Gulf of California the majority of the year.
  13. Programming for the RunTime is just a nuisance, developers now are forced to learn XAML and VB or C#. Granted I know both C# and VB, I only need to learn XAML, but to bottleneck programming like that isn't good for productivity.
  14. Might be possible to make the function call itself in the Cancel button's function declaration to cause an infinite loop, but I'm thinking this might stack a dialog on top of the current one when a user clicks cancel. Worth a try though I'd think.
  15. I've slept since then As for private registration, I'd just as soon slit my wrist than use any of godaddy's services; after getting shinryuukai.co.cc registered at co.cc i had to obviously set nameservers, as it so happened I chose 1freehosting, however their nameservers were blacklisted. After some searching I found 1freehosting was owned by godaddy and I had already read a zdnet article about their disdain for ICANN policies and how they'll essentially force you to stay with them if you're in their DBP program, so I quickly changed to heliohost and have been happy since. As for Franklin's pen-name, it was Silence Dogood. He actually had a lot, but Silence was his first, and was made famous in National Treasure.
  16. I think maybe this will help: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5112405/how-do-i-get-a-jquery-statement-to-wait-until-its-completed-before-continuing The difference in implementation is you need a variable to use in a while loop or some such thing, or create a label and goto that label when cancel is hit, I'm not sure if the label & goto is possible in js though because I'm not a JavaScript programmer.
  17. Personally I'd wait it out a bit till maybe wednesday end of business before doing anything rash. If you do go through another registrar right now you're guaranteed to lose the money, but if you wait and file ICANN/BBB claims (if necessary) you have a shot at getting your money/domains back. I'm not sure how the anonymous registration would work out though, it seems a bit one-sided. You're basically asking a company to be your 'face' on the ICANN registry yeah? If nothing is under your name I think it might be exponentially harder to try and get any help because you are using another entity as a front and putting your trust in them that they won't leave you out in the cold. However since there is a transfer of money, as long as it's not cash it can be traced, money orders and cheques both have identification numbers and when cashed out a record of their value is stored within the bank or Western Union or whatever's systems.
  18. The only thing I'm honestly looking to is a precognitive algorithm that'll tell law enforcement about crimes that are 'likely' to be commited by individuals. When police start taking orders from an AI we as a society are surely screwed.
  19. Oh dear, so much reading, I'm worried for you after reading through all the links you had. I'm not sure about the BBB but to file a report about a registrar to ICANN: http://www.internic....roblem_reports/ your problem seems to fall in the last category. I hope you can get your domain names or money back, but it seems unlikely to happen based on those forum and news posts you linked to. EDIT: So after much web crawling, I've found that to file a BBB claim: http://www.bbb.org/tucson/business-reviews/internet-services/katz-global-media-in-tucson-az-20000980/file-a-complaint however Katz Global Media is not BBB Accredited, I found the link on Katz Global site that says they belong to the BBB but the link leads to a BBB Page not Found error page. They do have a BBB A+ rating, but they 'earned' that by being in business a long time, having few BBB complaints, and responding to complaints filed to BBB, which doesn't really say much. I also checked and they are not members of the GDCA. Overall, the company seems legit because they are still in busines after so long, but something does feel off. I also think the 3 day response you got on the mail question is totally unrealistic, standard mail generally takes a week to 10 business days, I once ordered a book in-state that was shipped standard; this book took three days to ship from panhandle to coast. I expect your post to take about 6-8 business days, 5 on a good run.
  20. I don't really see people putting philosopher on their resumes. I think the field is limited to thinking, teaching and praying you get books published.
  21. my way of viewing things is science comes close to answeing the works of "reality", ie if the universe was created by a huge explosion, perhaps the causality is another universe's supernova exploding. you gotta eventually realize that a daisychain of explosions and creations has to have some fundamental start at nothing. converting energy and mass is a good explanation for how an explosion can create a universe, but does nothing to explain what caused an explosion to begin with, so at some point science has to give way to blind faith. if someone said they turned a leaf into an elephant, you can choose to believe them and try to do the same thing (have faith), or you can choose to look for a reason as to how that leaf became an elephant (science). neither will likely get you to the base explanation for how it happened, eventually the scientists will just have to swallow their pride and just say it happened, and the believer will similarly stop trying to become another prophet and just believe that the original was telling the truth and leave it at that.
  22. correct, they'll all point to the same location on stevie/johnny after being parked through cpanel. side note on squatters: a prof of mine had a run-in with them when he tried setting up a site for his ranching business, he is hosted by the college itself thus has a .edu suffix but because his ranching is still a business he still has taxes to pay for the site lol.
  23. As far as I can see the payment receipt is just a formality, might be a good idea to just get everything set up now and be ready to go when the receipt is sent to you.
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