See if you can run this simple time script.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use CGI ':standard';
$current_time = localtime;
print header,
start_html('A Virtual Clock'),
h1('A Virtual Clock'),
"The current time is $current_time - PST.",
I think you'd be better off uploading this text file and then renaming it with a cgi extension instead of copy and pasting.
Make sure your file permissions are 755.
I just checked and it looks like your site has been deleted. Feel free to create a new account. You'll probably have to wait until tomorrow because I'm sure the signup limit has been reached for today.
Your site should have come up with an htaccess file in the root directory and Frontpage Extensions installed. If you deleted the htaccess then you need to go uninstall Frontpage at the cpanel.
I'm seeing your site OK here:
I thought the errors were telling him that the module [ Net/ ] couldn't be found and that it would need to be added, is that not what it means?
This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
djbob is there anyway he can run his script on our server? This is the errors he is generating:
I'm showing a 500 Internal Server Error on this file:
Do you have the correct file permissions? Should be 755.
Put that code right under the she-bang line. This line here:
Then click onto your file and then refresh your directory to read the errors.txt file.
OOPS! Sorry about that djbob. With all the problems we were having with addon and parked domains I didn't realize he was trying to park another heliohost sub-domain.
ATS! Your domain has been changed to:
And it should be visible within 24hrs.