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Everything posted by Byron

  1. Here's a really good coding forum. http://www.codingforums.com/
  2. Byron

    Scheduled Downtime

    I guess you can change the "About Us" page now where it says "almost five years of experience" http://www.heliohost.org/home/about
  3. I'm not seeing ANY nameserver records for that domain name. http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/php/tools....org&rec=NS You need to contact them and ask them how to set the NS Records.
  4. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  5. Byron


    No it's not required to login to the forums. Only the cPanel.
  6. It takes 24 hrs to see the changes in your cpanel. If your still not seeing it then post here. Try Fantastico again. It takes 24 hrs to see the changes in your cpanel. Also make sure that you use ONLY the heliohost nameservers for your domain name. I'm seeing more than heliohost for yours. If you still have problems then post here.
  7. Refresh your browser's cache to see this correctly. http://rugbyrioclaro.heliohost.org/
  8. You need to point http://deni.no-ip.org to our nameservers: ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org
  9. Make sure you login to your cpanel a couple of times a month to keep your site active.
  10. OK it's done. Your domain name is now: gui7.heliohost.org and it will take about 24 hours for it to resolve.
  11. I've sent you an email to confirm your account.
  12. If your account is ricw.helohost.org, it was showing as inactive. I've reactivated your account so try logging in with your old password.
  13. OK it's done and your domain name is now: anonymouswebchronicle.co.cc You should be able to see it tomorrow after the server does a restart.
  14. I've sent an email to your registration email address for confirmation.
  15. You can find that info from the Home Page under URL & Domains. http://www.heliohost.org/home/features-mai...5/url-a-domains But almost everybody posts for it or does a forum search.
  16. Byron


    Use the .php cpanel page to login. http://www.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/index.php That should take care of it. If it doesn't then post back.
  17. Byron


    Can you post the url that you use to go to cpanel?
  18. OK your domain is now denimf.heliohost.org. It should be up tomorrow.
  19. I can change it but your site will be down for about 24 hours. Is that OK?
  20. You can change your contact info at your cpanel. Login with this url: http://YOUR_DOMAIN.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/index.php Put your domain name where I have YOUR_DOMAIN. Make sure you use ALL lowercase letters with your username and password.
  21. It is and thanks!
  22. I can't create or delete any files now. I get this error: Cannot open file: Read-only file system.
  23. Post your addon domain issue here.
  24. Sometimes when the server goes down it will display that page instead. Refresh your browser's cache and you should be ok.
  25. Sometimes when the server goes down you'll get the Queued page instead.What you probably did was cache that page. Take the redirect off and clear your cache. btw, I'm seeing your home page just fine when I go to this url: http://abhiweb.heliohost.org
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