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Everything posted by Byron

  1. OK your domain name is now lookieout.tk and it should resolve in 24 hours.
  2. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  3. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  4. Byron

    Scheduled Downtime

    Ming is working for me!
  5. I'm not to good with regex so if no one answers your question here you can make a post in this forum under "Apache configuration" http://www.codingforums.com/ I'm sure somebody there can help you.
  6. I would check with your domain name provider and ask them why you can't add both nameservers.
  7. You don't need to do that. All that did was create a folder named thelab.dierrelabs.info. So now when your parked domain goes into effect you will have a folder like this: http://thelab.dierrelabs.info/thelab.dierrelabs.info Also you need to point your domain to both of our nameservers, not just ns1. You should see two seperate forms at your domain name provider to add both, like this: ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org When I checked your domain name all I saw was the first nameserver.
  8. Give it another 24 hours and your site should be up.
  9. Your site is up. Refresh your browser.
  10. We don't offer domain names. If you don't already have a domain name when you sign up, you should have chosen the USERNAME.heliohost.org option (the first option on the dropdown menu). You can however go and sign up for a free domain name at one of these places: http://www.co.cc or http://www.uni.cc Or choose a heliohost sub domain like: inmage.heliohost.org And then we can change your domain name to whatever you choose.
  11. You should be able to go to your domain name provider and login. Then just follow the directions to add nameservers. It should be pretty straight forward once you login.
  12. You need to point that domain (inmage.com.br) to our nameservers: ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org
  13. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  14. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  15. You can do that at your cpanel. Just look for the link that says Redirects. It should write something like this into your htaccess file: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^hamroworld.com$ [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.hamroworld.com$ RewriteRule ^mypage$ "http\:\/\/profile\.php\?profile\=mypage" [R=301,L]
  16. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  17. I'm not seeing that domain in our database. It probably got deleted because you didn't log into cpanel for over 30 days.
  18. Password Protection Without Logging In If you have a password protected directory that you use just for yourself, this will keep you from logging in. Also if your on another machine that isn't yours it will prompt you for the password. Just go to your cpanel and create a password protected directory like you normally would. Then you go to the directory's .htaccess and replace the code with this: AuthName "Restricted Access" AuthUserFile "/home/byron/.htpasswds/public_html/passwd" AuthType Basic Require valid-user Order Allow,Deny Allow from Satisfy Any Replace with your ip address. You can also add more ips if you want by adding a new line like this: Allow from Allow from Allow from
  19. Directory Sweeper Script This is a simple php script that will delete files in a directory by age. You can change how old the file has to be before it gets deleted. The way I use this is on a cron job and sometimes I use it as an include at the bottom of the page. The script is written to go inside the directory below the "tmp" but you can change that. <?php ### Directory Sweeper ### # create directory resource and read it # directory to delete files $dir = "tmp/"; $directory = opendir("$dir"); while (true == ($file = readdir($directory))) { # but don't read the links to directories if ( is_file("$dir/$file") ) { # find out when it was created $created_time = filemtime("$dir/$file"); # $age = present time-$created_time $age = time()-filemtime("$dir/$file"); # how many hours before file gets deleted $hrs = 24; $expire = 60*60*$hrs; # delete if more than $hrs old. # don't delete the indexe or .htaccess if ( $age > $expire && !preg_match("@\.htaccess|index\.html@i", $file, $x) ) { unlink("$dir/$file"); } } } closedir($directory); ############### exit; ?> Like I said you can use this as an include on another page if you want like this: <?php include("sweeper.php"); ?> That way anytime somebody clicks onto your page your sweeper script checks for old files and deletes them.
  20. Just try to be a little patient. I'm sure djbob will get to you sometime today. He lives in the PST zone in the U.S.
  21. Is that an addon domain problem? Post here. It it's a parked domain then you need to post your default domain name and username.
  22. When I go here: http://medcare.heliohost.org I get a page that says: Welcome to our new home! When I go here I'm seeing the same page. http://www.medcarestore.com
  23. Did you give it 24 hours to show in the cpanel? If it still doesn't show then post in the thread I posted to you in my previous post. You also need to point your domain name to our nameserver: ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org
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