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Everything posted by Byron

  1. Byron

    Addon Domains?

    Yes you can. I think your getting confused. With my account here: http://byrondallas.heliohost.org I can create a seperate folder called alpha1omega and turn it into an addon domain called: http://alpha1omega.uni.cc and people will go to that domain through that domain name and it will be a totally seprate account. It will have it's own ftp so that you don't even go through the main accounts ftp.
  2. Byron

    Addon Domains?

    That's correct. You can't have two totally seperate domains in your root folder. You'll have to create another folder to have an addon domain. That folder will then have it's own cgi-bin and ftp. You can add another Parked domain and have two seperate domain names going to your heliohost account.
  3. Byron

    Addon Domains?

    This is how I have my addon domain set up on my site. Addon Domain: http://alpha1omega.uni.cc My main domain and addon domain folder: http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/alpha1omega/ Does that help you understand?
  4. Give it another day or two and you should be up.
  5. Try using this url: http://whalewatching.heliohost.org:2082/fr...nd/x3/index.php
  6. Your site is up. Make sure your going to .org and not .com http://eleytheria.heliohost.org/
  7. No you won't recieve any notification when your site becomes active. You'll know by being able to login via the cpanel or ftp either one, but make sure you login to the cpanel at least once a month. Some email providers block heliohost and that's probably why your password reset didn't go through. As long as you didn't confirm the password reset it will be the same as the password you signed up with.
  8. We've had a backlog of new accounts. Yours should be up in a day or two.
  9. We've had a backlog of new accounts. Yours should be active in a day or two.
  10. Looks like it's up and working now.
  11. If it's your friends account your trying to get into, then have him post with his username and domain name.
  12. It's still showing as being in the queue which means it's going to be a day or two. In the meantime make sure you've pointed that domain to our nameservers: ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org
  13. Your username is: g0tp0t (all lowercase). If you don't remember your password I can reset it and PM it to you. Post back if you need that done.
  14. Check your Error log at your cpanel and see if it has logged any errors and also check your .htaccess file in your public_html directory.
  15. The subdomain senosian.heliohost.org is still showing as being queued. We've had a backlog of new accounts so it's been slow. It should be up in a day or two.
  16. You need to point that domain name to our nameservers: ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org
  17. OK your domain is now jreed3s.heliohost.org. Give it 24 hours to resolve.
  18. Do you mean you want more space? If we delete your account you won't have any space.
  19. That's because we're showing you as already having an account with us. Is this yours? lelycee.heliohost.org
  20. No problem and you should be able to change your password at your cpanel without any problems too.
  21. I've reset your password and PM'd it to you.
  22. Ths should help you with adding encoding with your php script. http://php.net/manual/en/function.utf8-encode.php
  23. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  24. I'm not seeing any NS records for that domain. Go back and try and set the ns records again and if it still doesn't work, ask your registrar to set the ns records for you.
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