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Everything posted by Byron

  1. Byron

    DNS problem

    It probably will. Have you been able to login to your cpanel to see if you have the correct ip?
  2. Byron

    DNS problem

    Your site is still in the queue. Give it another day or two. I also recommend you use the nameservers instead of A records for your site. ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org
  3. I was referring to your browsers cache. You can add a no-cache meta tag to your page if you don't want to cache it.
  4. Sorry about the wait. We've had another backlog of new accounts. Yours should be up tomorrow.
  5. I imagine the old counter was in your cache.
  6. You don't own dscomusc.org. We don't provide domain names. You'll either have to purchase that domain name or let us change it to a heliohost sub-domain: i.e. dscomusc.heliohost.org
  7. I assume you mean the python file? What if anything were you seeing before and are your permissions 755?
  8. Did you try creating a new counter with a new name to see if that corrects your problem? EDIT: Seems the Counter Manager doesn't like the name Counter as the data file, so anything that doesn't use Counter should be ok. As far as your python script, try adding these two lines to your root .htaccess file. AddHandler python-program py AddType application/python py
  9. /usr/local/bin is where you'll find 'convert', 'combine'/'composite' and 'identify' but you said it didn't work. The only thing I can figure is that we don't allow execute. Why don't you ask the Typo3 folks and see what they say.
  10. It hasn't been a week, you registered 2 days ago, lol. Give it another day or two, we've had a backlog of new accounts.
  11. OK your domain name is now: john.heliohost.org Give it a day or two to resolve.
  12. How are you trying to call on ImageMagick with Typo3? Take a look at this and see if this helps you? http://zacvineyard.com/blog/2009/04/21/ins...gick-for-typo3/
  13. @Stef Mientki Your site is up but I think you already know that. ------------------- @Steven Bird Give your site another day or two.
  14. Most of that is saying that the files don't exist, which is ok. If your not using Frontpage Extensions, you might want to go to Frontpage Extensions at your cpanel and remove them. Looks like removing your index.php stopped the 500 error though.
  15. Try making another counter and give it a totally different name and see if that works.
  16. More than likely the incoming and outgoing port are the same which is Port 25, but since I'm not 100% sure we'll ask djbob.
  17. You should be able to do this with htaccess but I don't know the correct regex (regular expressions). I'm sure somebody in this group here in the forum called "Apache configuration" could help you. http://www.codingforums.com
  18. There's nothing you can do. Your site is still in the queued state. You'll have to wait another day or two for it to become active.
  19. OK, you'll need to wait for djbob to fix this issue when he comes online later this afternoon.
  20. We've had a backlog of new accounts. Give it another day or two.
  21. You site is still in the queue. Give it another day or two. Your site is working although your showing several different nameservers besides heliohost's. You might want to remove everybody elses? http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/php/tools...h.in&rec=NS
  22. You need to use Fantastico when the server load is low. You can use this to tell you when it's a good time and it will provide you a link to Fantastico. http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/server_load.php
  23. It was there this morning but it's not now. Do you think the cpanel folks could have fixed it?
  24. You have to be careful when giving the counter a name. It can't have a space in the name. http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/ssi.shtml
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