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Everything posted by Byron

  1. You'll need to post your username and your co.cc domain for me.
  2. OK Beluga your site is up. Refresh your cache if your still seeing the Queued page.
  3. OK your new domain is now: andrewquerol.info give it 24 hours to resolve. btw, make sure your seeing the same dedicated ip address at your cpanel when it resolves.
  4. Frontpage Extensions are installed by default on all new accounts, don't know why it's saying they're not installed. But yes you can go ahead and delete those folders manually.
  5. oops, my bad. I misread his post. I thought he meant other subdomains on his existing account. Glad you caught that.
  6. I could change your domain to the new co.cc but I recommend that you just add it as a Parked Domain. That will allow you to go to your domain through both domains. If you choose to use the Parked Domain feature, you'll find that option at your cpanel. Real easy to do. Just add your co.cc domain and click.
  7. Sorry about that. Please post your domain name and username.
  8. You can have as many subdomains as you like.
  9. You need to delete Frontpage Extensions through cpanel. Just look for the Frontpage Extensions link. After removing FP through the cpanel it will remove a few of the lines in the htaccess pertaining to FP, the rest you can delete if you want.
  10. The signup resets at 12:00 am PST (Pacific Standard Time).
  11. You'll need to delete the addon domain first. Your probably going to have to deregister your key and certifcate for that old domain. And then when it gets changed, go back and set it up on the new domain.
  12. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  13. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  14. And one of the volunteers has attended (and is still enrolled) in the "School Of Hard Knocks" LOL
  15. Tony here's a script I wrote that uses the php rename function. You can run this php script inside each of your directories. What it does is look for any file that ends in .html and will rename it to .php or .shtml dependng on what you choose to do. <?php if ($handle = opendir('.')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { if ( preg_match("#(\.html)$#i", $file) ) { $extract = pathinfo($file); $ext = ($extract['basename']); $fn = ($extract['filename']); # to rename to php uncomment line below # rename("$file", "$fn.php"); # to rename to .shtml uncomment line below # rename("$file", "$fn.shtml"); echo "Renamed: $file<br>"; } } } closedir($handle); } ?> That should make it allot easier to rename ALL html files in a directory if you choose to go that route.
  16. Then it's probably somebody abusing server resources. We ban em when we catch em.
  17. That's usually because somebody is abusing server resources. Check the server load the next time that happens (cpanel stats). Also if the 500 error is because of your site it will leave an error message at cpanel error logs. If it's resource abuse it won't.
  18. What are you using to edit your files? Editing shouldn't change the file permissions. Changing file persmissions should be instant. Cpanel automaticaly sets file permissions at 644 and should stay that way unless you change them yourself. If you change it to 755 than it should stay that way unless you change it again. Encoding attempts to determine what you need automatically and there isn't anyway to set for one prefernce only (i don't think). No, you need to login to cpanel.
  19. OK your new domain is now: danielsage.info the www will get added automatically. Give it 24 hours to resolve.
  20. Note to djbob: Thier new domain is now: danielsage.info
  21. This support request is being escalated to our root admin. Don't you mean your default domain name is: danielsa.heliohost.org
  22. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  23. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  24. Post your username and domain name for me.
  25. What is your domain name and user name?
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