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Everything posted by Byron

  1. Please post your username and domain name you registered with.
  2. It might have a problem with that email, so if you can register with another one go ahead.
  3. In your source code your image extensions are in lowercase: http://drcsailing.heliohost.org/images/main/experience.jpg But your image extensions are actually uppercase: http://drcsailing.heliohost.org/images/main/experience.JPG
  4. We've had some problems with new registrations and it looks like yours failed. Go ahead and re-register again and make sure when you do login that it's all in lowercase.
  5. Please post the username and domain name you registered with.
  6. Escalating... @djbob: I'm not seeing him in the database.
  7. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  8. OK your domain is now: heikalnet.tk Give it 24hrs to resolve.
  9. Yeah what you have in your .htaccess file is fine. I just wanted to make sure the redirection got removed. Looks like your site is up and working now.
  10. I'm not seeing this domain in our database: digipics.heliohost.org You do know that your only allowed one account per user? So if that site in your sig belongs to you then that's the only account you get.
  11. I didn't want you to completely remove the domain, just remove the redirection, but that's ok. Just go back to "Parked Domains" at your cpanel and add xploitedmedia.co.uk as a parked domain again BUT don't add any redirection. Just click Add and that's it. After about 24 hours you should be able to see your domain without it being redirected. Also look inside your root .htaccess file and tell me if you see something like this: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^xploitedmedia.co.uk$ [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.xploitedmedia.co.uk$ RewriteRule ^/?$ "http\:\/\/xploitedmedia\.heliohost\.org" [R=301,L]
  12. Where did you change the nameservers? Did you go to Parked Domains and remove the redirection?
  13. Evidently it takes 24 hours but when I try going here this morning: http://xploitedmedia.co.uk I'm getting like a 503 error. Did you change anything else besides the redirection at cpanel?
  14. Mine has started showing bandwidth usage again.
  15. Post that info in this thread here and djbob will help you. http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=5553
  16. Clear your cache in Firefox. Don't know why that's happening unless it's because your domain isn't pointed to our nameservers? ----------------------------- Escalating... @djbob: Concerning this djbob. Is this normal?
  17. Go to your cpanel "Parked Domains" and disable the redirection and that should take care of it since that domain is pointed to our nameservers.
  18. If you encountered an error you should have made a post about it but I'm not seeing any error when I go here: http://smart-programs.co.cc If you want to delete that account then you can create a new one.
  19. Your getting that error because you already have an account with us. Your only allowed one account per user.
  20. Did you happen to recieve an email from the auto creation saying that there had been an error? I'm not seeing your username in the database anymore. Go ahead and try to recreate your account again.
  21. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  22. Escalating... Please post your username and domain name.
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