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Everything posted by Byron

  1. All you need to do, or have your registrar do, is point your domain to our nameservers which are: ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org We can't do this for you. And of course you need to register an account with us with that domain name.
  2. Escalating... @djbob: Are we allowing custom php.ini files on Johnny?
  3. Since I don't know anything about python all I can do is give you a script to try: #!/usr/bin/env python3.2 import cgi cgi.test() import sys ver = sys.version_info print("</br>Python Version:") print(str(ver.major)+'.'+str(ver.minor)+"."+str(ver.micro)) http://dallas.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/python32.py
  4. We don't allow you to use a custom php.ini file, so I doubt that yours is working. I can't say if that was causing the 500 errors, but everybody experiences 500 errors from time to time because of high server load.
  5. Give me a minute and I'll reset your password and email it to the email address you registered with.
  6. Ok your all set to go. Refresh your cache if you still see the Suspended page.
  7. Did you try using all lowercase?
  8. Byron

    cPanel Email

    Look for the link that says "Update Contact Info" at your cpanel.
  9. Here you go: http://olego.com/byron.pl It's 755. Ok just be patient until djbob comes back around.
  10. Could I get you to try this simple perl script for me and chmod it to 755: #!/usr/bin/perl -w use CGI qw(:standard); print header; print "Hello World!";
  11. The cgi-bin is set up that way by default. Just give your script a name other than index.py, ie. cgi-bin/my_script.py
  12. My tool only checks the public_html directory and it's subs. It doesn't check your home directory, but you can check your home directory either through ftp or the cpanel file manager.
  13. This support request is being escalated to our root admin.
  14. I meant just the one in your public_html folder. Try this, if your not using FrontPage Extensions, go to your cpanel and look for the link called FrontPage Extensions and uninstall them. That will remove all of this folders: /public_html/_vti_txt/.htaccess /public_html/_vti_pvt/.htaccess /public_html/_vti_log/.htaccess /public_html/_vti_cnf/.htaccess /public_html/_vti_bin/.htaccess /public_html/_vti_bin/_vti_aut/.htaccess /public_html/_vti_bin/_vti_adm/.htaccess /public_html/_private/.htaccess Then give it a try. Also check your Error log at your cpanel for errors for me.
  15. Unzip this file on your site: http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/djangotest.zip Change the path in two places in the dispatch.wsgi file to match your site. Create a folder named .python_egg_cache in your home directory and chmod it too 777 and see if that works for you.
  16. @olego: I'm seeing your site just fine. @iceitsup: I'm seeing your site fine too. If you have a script that's returning 500 errors you need to check your Error log file at your cpanel for errors.
  17. Do you have a dedicated ip? Dedicated ips are $12.00 per year.
  18. Escalating... @djbob: He's on Johnny and his code works for me. http://dallas.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/ruby.cgi
  19. Please post your username, domain name, server name and the code snippet.
  20. Try renaming your .htaccess file in your root folder and see if that clears it up.
  21. This is what you have in your style sheet: @font-face { font-family:"AngrC"; src:url("fonts/ANGRC_.ttf"); } This is what's in your font directory: http://jalproductions.co.uk/fonts/ANGRC_.TTF Do you see your problem? (lowercase - uppercase)
  22. Ok you should be back up now. If your still not seeing your site, refresh your browser's cache. Your site was showing active so I don't know why it came up suspended. I just unsuspended it and it's ok now. Let us know if you have any more problems.
  23. Was the server load maybe high at the time? Are you able to connect using your default ftp account? Cpanel username and password?
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