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Everything posted by Byron

  1. Yes you can switch. http://wiki.helionet.org/Moving_your_account
  2. You could also try: require("/home/jkblitz/public_html/php/check_login.php")
  3. I'm assuming your on Stevie? Try logging in from here: http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/index.phpcp
  4. Also make sure to chmod /home/your_cpanel_username/.python_egg_cache to 777. This is what I have in my wsgi file, if that helps? import os, sys sys.path.append("/home/byron/public_html/djangotest"); os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'settings' os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = '/home/byron/.python_egg_cache' ## you need to create the directory above ## import django.core.handlers.wsgi _application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler() def application(environ, start_response): environ['PATH_INFO'] = environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] + environ['PATH_INFO'] return _application(environ, start_response)
  5. I'm not seeing your account as being suspended. Refresh your cache if your not seeing your home page here: http://mabzicle.heliohost.org
  6. The reason your account was suspended is because your were found abusing the email server.
  7. Stevie doesn't have MONO. You need to signup on the Johnny server for ASP.NET
  8. We're having a few problems and until we get them fixed, you should be able to login this way: http://stevie.heliohost.org:2082/
  9. If you did that and you were using cron to run your script every minute of the day, I would suspend your account. If you did it by some outside cron service then we don't have any problems with that. It's all the same whether I have multible functions inside one script or I divide it up into seven scripts. Only one script is getting run once every 24 hours. Like I said ealier, I could actually go to the cron manager and do exactly what I'm doing now by setting up several cron tasks, each task with a different script. Anyway, we (the administrators) keep an eye on cron jobs and nobody goes un-noticed.
  10. My cron script is legal the way it's set up. We are allowed 2 cron runs a day, but we can have 50 cron jobs if we want, just as long as only 2 out of that 50 get run in a 24 hour period. So with my script, I'm just using one of my allowed two cron runs and using it to run 7 tasks, each one on a different day of the week. I clean out several folders on my site and a few other things via cron. You could actully go to the cron manager and set it up that way, but it would be more of a pain to figure out the days and different times. I've even written one that will run a cron task for each day of the month, but I don't have enough tasks to use it.
  11. I'm sorry but I'm not seeing your account in our database. What url were you using to login to the cpanel?
  12. Go to this folder "forum.mydomain.com" (the folder that the forum is in) and add the code below to it's htaccess file: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^forum\.mydomain\.com$ [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.forum\.mydomain\.com$ RewriteRule ^/?$ "http\:\/\/username\.heliohost\.org\/" The address bar will still show the heliohost url and I'm not sure if you can change that when going from one domain to another, but I could be wrong.
  13. I'm not seeing your account as being up for deletion. It's still showing as being queued. So your ok.
  14. I'm assuming your account is on Johnny? Johnny has Magic Quotes turned on and it should be off: magic_quotes_gpc = On Then you would always add stripslashes() to compensate for a server who had it on or off. $text = stripslashes($_POST[text]); But you don't have to do that as soon as xaav turns it off.
  15. Here's some more info: http://wiki.helionet.org/MySQL_Databases
  16. The php mail() function doesn't require you to set up any email account at your cpanel. It automatically sends the mail through the mail server using your username. If you looked at the email headers from the email being sent it would show something like this: from: user_name@stevie.heliohost.org user_name would be your username. No matter what you specified in the mail function $to and $from, the email headers would show this for tracking purposes.
  17. This was written by a friend of mine. Upload the text version to your image directory and it will display a clickable thumb to each image. It's coded to only work for images larger than 100x100 but you can change that. Demo http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/images/fs/index.php Script http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/images/fs/index.txt
  18. Did you go to "Default Address" at your cPanel and set that up?
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