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Everything posted by Tbone

  1. Love the part when borat goes into the hotel after going through the bad neighbor hood
  2. I was hoping for the swamp too.. I wish they wouldnt leave so much out..
  3. I guess the game is about the other team.. and getting either their tickets down to 0 or taking control of all the spawn points on the map. and I just dont like 2142..
  4. for ps3.. Rainbow 6:Vegas for now.. But that will change. Favorite game of all time was Super Mario for the NES
  5. PS2 won last gen? and its still selling now.. i think its selling better actually..
  6. I used to play Stopped though and now my character is deleted... maybe ill start again!
  7. Yeah i remember the dementoids! that was halarious! The part with the teaspoon was great
  8. check out zdsoft.com theres a 5 min max on it though.. unless you register it.
  9. A friend of mine wants to start making a chat program. He wants to use Java and needs to learn it. Where is the best place to learn it? (i mean website) Or what is the best language to make a chat client and wheres the best site to learn it? Thanks for all the help!
  10. Wow.. they change that alot! it was a year ago when i read that book so i forgot some of it.
  11. There should be another price drop before christmas.. The 80Gb version is suppost to drop to $499 like the 60GB did.
  12. Im not sure if Cho told why in the book. It was the potion thing that makes you tell the truth. I think they said that in the movie?
  13. Anyone else here play Battlefield? I think its great I really dont like Battlefield 2142 though.. its horrible.
  14. Five hundred dollars for a PS3 is still two hundred more dollars than a basic 360 system. You also get a Blu-Ray player, wireless internet, and a much better system. If you bought the HD-DVD player and wireless adapter for 360 it would be $200. And the HD-DVD player cant even play games. Also Blu-Ray has a better quality over HD-DVDs
  15. Firefox is more secure, isnt it?
  16. Yeah the DVD is out. I love this movie! its halarious!
  17. dropped $100.. and you can get a referbished or used one for even cheaper
  18. Tbone


    I use hotmail... i got it instantly..
  19. I haven't seen it yet.. it didnt really look all that good, and it sounds like (from the posts on this thread) it wasnt very good.
  20. I did like it more then most of the other movies in the series. I didnt think it was a filler.. but i have read the books.
  21. Xbox360 is like at its potential.. and it was while i was standing there that the textures were doing that.. it wasnt getting farther, or closer.. The PS3 is using about 20% of its true power now.. wait until the developers harness all of its power.
  22. Wow.. that looks sweet! Maybe when im older.. and have alot more money lol..
  23. I have no idea about the texture part.. but ive notice in 360 games the textures take a while to get to what theyre suppost to be. the game i noticed this the most was Gears of War. The texture were horrible, then a couple seconds later they got better and a few more they got to what they should be.
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