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Everything posted by Tbone

  1. I like Transformers better than Spiderman.
  2. I just got FrostWire and got rid of LimeWire. Still haven't really used FrostWire too much.. I'll post back after i use it for a while.
  3. Last movie I watched was Brain Dead.
  4. I would take golf over any video game any day. Really i would take any sport over video games, unless it was soccer.
  5. No i dont think the govt. should be able to monitor what we DL.
  6. Anyone here getting CoD: 4? I've already reserved it and im trying to DL the demo now but yahoos servers suck..
  7. Yet another spam topic. I do everything you mentioned and chat with friends.
  8. You really cant play games on an external connected via USB..
  9. Well the speed will go down because its connected via USB. Unless you are connected FireWire? FireWire is much much faster than USB.
  10. Ok. Still though.. only 2 hours? For football, instead of 2 a days we had 3 a days.
  11. ShannenName, do you have two 1TB HDDs? I dont think 2TB HDD's are available unless its external.. But if its external it isnt as fast.
  12. mines about 3 weeks old now.
  13. American currency. If you look to the left you would see that next to From: it says Pennsylvania.
  14. 30 degrees? [bleeped!] thats hot! Id be out there in a hoody and pants ffs.. Well if I had any desire to play volleyball im sure i would have no trouble playing in a tournament. We have physical fitness tests in school and im always at the top. I am not even close to being out of shape. Really are you serious about the 30 degree thing?
  15. Wow karath.. i guess you never spam do you? I post few words in my posts because thats all i need to say ffs.. it was about $1700, with rebates it was about $1400. I love it it runs great. And i wasnt going to upgrade from MS works because a relative has Office 07.
  16. If you would have read my post is clearly says all the peope I know that have a a Wii are out of shape. Wow. Badminton and volleyball. Very physical sports.
  17. Grand Turismo.
  18. Everyone that i know that has a Wii is out of shape.
  19. that was hard... Diamonds are Forever or Live and Let Die. Tough choice but i picked Live and Let Die. EDIT: Sorry... didnt even read those posts above this one.
  20. the halo series.
  21. well you probably only like it because you don't have a pc that can play good games. People only like Halo because it was the first console game to have designated servers that actually worked. And you can only play 16 players compared to the pc's 64 player. So the people that like halo aren't tech-savvy.
  22. i would take a phone over a Wii anyday... I really dont like the Wii and its for fat kids that are too lazy to get up and be active without the incentive of video games and a remote control.
  23. sports... id rather be outside and active than inside playing video games.
  24. Halo 3 is way to over rated.. and the limited addition halo xbox is a joke.. Halo isnt even any good imo
  25. lol? well toshiba got 51GB hd-dvd approval, and its on its 3rd layer.
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