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Everything posted by Tbone

  1. well maybe ill have to see it then =\
  2. cant wait for it to come out i love harry potter movies
  3. the 2nd one wasnt as good because they were leading you up to the 3rd...
  4. vey good movie
  5. idk....doesnt look like that great of a movie..
  6. lol i eat fast food and im not fat
  7. lol these are some great pics!
  8. nice site
  9. lol nice pics
  10. Tbone


    Good website...they have many good games there!
  11. swaharini!
  12. nice...i would like to get the vice city stories
  13. Nice...i wouldnt mind getting a ps3
  14. Mario for me i think
  15. yea..it does get boring after a while....
  16. ps3 and xbox graphics are great...i agree with you ness
  17. lol sounds great...not...ive never seen it...
  18. i watched some of the naked mile the otherday...pretty good
  19. It wasnt that bad...the chick was hawt
  20. awesome...i would like to see that movie
  21. well the 2nd one pretty much just leads you up to the 3rd..
  22. Tbone

    Helions for Reviews

    Will i get my helions for both soon?
  23. Tbone

    Helions for Reviews

    I posted one on http://www.free-webhosts.com posted one on FreeWebspace
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