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Everything posted by wambachr

  1. thanks, working fine regards walter
  2. sorry username: wambachr main domain wambachr.heliohost.org postgresql-database: wambachr_osm server: tommy regards walter
  3. Hi, i would like to create indixes used by the like-phrase something like select name from collected_admin_boundaries where name ilike 'san %'; This type of query will only use trgm-indices which can be created using create index idx_collected_admin_boundaries_name on collected_admin_boundaries using gin(name gin_trgm_ops); But for that i need the extension pg_trbn, which is installed but not activated. wambachr_osm=> create extension pg_trgm with schema pg_catalog; ERROR: permission denied to create extension "pg_trgm" HINT: Must be superuser to create this extension. Time: 2486,759 ms (00:02,487) Regards walter
  4. Thanks, Krydos have a nice day walter
  5. thanks and waiting is no problem. Regards walter
  6. i was not asked to use paypal, therefore i used visa + gofundme regards walter
  7. ok, did it: Transaction ID: 3AW52485E68405919 a little bit strange: added my visa card and was billed by paypal walter
  8. Hi, i would like to add onother table to my postgresql/postgis database (wambachr_osm), but my disk quota does not allow this Size of this table is about 400 MB but there may be a little overhead. I'm trying to minimize my tables but 1 GB space is not enough. 2 GB would be fine. what can i do? Donate? ok for me. regards walter ps: Still waiting to get access to your new "payed" server. Of course i'm willing to pay for that (some bucks per month is fine)
  9. Hi, just got this message: My websites on tommy.heliohost.org /https://wambachers-osm.website/ are in heavy development and use. (*) I'm using cPanel/Filemanager day for day and sometimes (1-2 times a week) i have to login in cPanel, which i do. But i don't use heliohost.org (Main page), because i don't need this. cPanel is enough. May be there is a bug in your usage monitor? ok, i'll login to heliohost.org right now to get rid of this "problem" regards walter aka wambachr *) Still waiting for a solution for ticket HH#816382 i don't have any problem to spend some $. Good work must be well paid. ;
  10. Bingo select ST_Astext(ST_Transform(ST_MakeEnvelope(905014.414896487,6467184.089152194,907460. 3998016127,6469630.074057321,3857),4326)); st_astext ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ POLYGON((8.1298828125 50.1205780979601,8.1298828125 50.134664322167,8.15185546875 50.134664322167,8.15185546875 50.1205780979601,8.1298828125 50.1205780979601)) (1 row) Yes, that problem is gone. regards walter, may be the only user on tommy doing this stuff
  11. Hi, select ST_Astext(ST_Transform(ST_MakeEnvelope(905014.414896487,6467184.089152194,907460.3998016127,6469630.074057321,3857),4326)); does not work (yet): ERROR: permission denied for relation spatial_ref_sys CONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT proj4text FROM spatial_ref_sys WHERE srid = 3857 LIMIT 1" this PostGIS tables/views will need r/o access: spatial_ref_sys geography_column geometry_columns Regard walter host: Tommy db: wambachr_osm db user: wambachr_postgres & wambachr_osmuser
  12. thanks regards walter
  13. Hi, i'm planning to switch from tommy to a vps but i can't find what i'm looking for. I there a way to rent a preinstalled vps? More than the OS only? I like the comfort using cpanel and don't like to install and maintain all the stuff i need. The current setup of wambachr.helioshost.org (postgresql, postgis) is fine for me but may be i need more performance and stability 2021. And i want to pay for it Regards walter btw: Searching for VPS is rejected on your site: -> "The following search terms are not allowed and were removed from your query: vps"
  14. Hi Krydos yes you are right. no big problem using postgis/hstore. Thanks walter btw: may be i'll switch to one of your paid servers next year.
  15. Hi, Please create hstore and postgis extensions on my postgres database. Host: tommy.heliohost.org User: wambachr Database: wambachr_osm Regards, Walter ps: would like to add some simple OpenStreetMap based maps.
  16. sorry, no => Warning: pg_connect(): Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "wambachr_osmuser", database "wambachr_osm", SSL off in /home/wambachr/public_html/getSoftware4.php on line 31 => Warning: pg_connect(): Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "::1", user "wambachr_osmuser", database "wambachr_osm", SSL off in /home/wambachr/public_html/getSoftware4.php on line 31 => Warning: pg_connect(): Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "wambachr_osmuser", database "wambachr_osm", SSL off in /home/wambachr/public_html/getSoftware4.php on line 31 => Warning: pg_connect(): Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "wambachr_osmuser", database "wambachr_osm", SSL off in /home/wambachr/public_html/getSoftware4.php on line 31 => Warning: pg_connect(): Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "wambachr_osmuser", database "wambachr_osm", SSL off in /home/wambachr/public_html/getSoftware4.php on line 31 even tried "no host" => Warning: pg_connect(): Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "[local]", user "wambachr_osmuser", database "wambachr_osm", SSL off in /home/wambachr/public_html/getSoftware4.php on line 31 regards walter Testpage http://wambachr.heliohost.org/SoftwareWatchlist4.html will try to connect using "$dbconn = pg_connect("host=localhost dbname=wambachr_osm user=wambachr_osmuser password=public"); not working switching to real db admin and his db password will work.
  17. Hi, i'm using postgresql and php - it's running fine I recently added a second database user (wambachr_osmuser) and granted r/o access to my tables. This userid/password will be visible to any user reading the php-script. But that is ok for me. Now i'm getting error "Warning: pg_connect(): Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "wambachr_osmuser", database "wambachr_osm", SSL off in ..." That is Tommies ip address and i think this should be added to pg_hba_conf too. Better using Tommys name instead of ip address, i think. BUT i'm not 100% shure if this is the correct way, and you may tell me a better solution. regards walter aka wambacher btw: "osm" stands for https://OpenStreetMap.org
  18. Hi, having (knowledge) problems with java servlets i swichted to php and got my programm running. Therefore i don't need java any more. Regards walter
  19. thanks walter
  20. Having trouble getting my servlet running, somebody pointed to http://wiki.helionet.org/Java_Servlet#Edit_index.jsp_Source but this page is missing too regards walter btw: what are your buisines times? Lining in Germany and don't know where your location/timezone is.
  21. ok, only one war without VPS is fine for me. just wanted to know what's going on. Regards walter
  22. Hi, is it possible to deploy more than one war? would like to use 2 of them - otherwise i have to rewrite alot code. Walter btw: "If you are interested in deploying a servlet we recommend taking a look at the guide to get started wiki.helionet.org/Java_Servlet." does not work. Wiki does not exist.
  23. great. this will help me a lot Regards walter
  24. Hi, i sent a java activation request yesterday and i'm waiting for it. somebody asked the same and you told him that will need some days. then you said "The line for Java only moves if someone else loses their Java." question: do i have to check the activation page each day or will i get an email when it's done? (which is less work - and less frustration - for me )` If this is still necessary i would like to register my application (SoftwareWatchlist.war) just to save time. Will this war file be checked on a regular base by the system? Just replace it and the new version will go live in some minutes? Best regards walter
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