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Everything posted by the_god_2000

  1. oh dear no this is a stupid idea please noobs dont do this
  2. if u really badly want them im sure i could help u so pm and i will find out i no a site but i cant say it because it is advertising
  3. is visual basics pretty much quick basics is visual basics pretty much quick basics
  4. can u get new themes???
  5. is this the last book coming out because the last ones were great
  6. dose anyone no when the new harry potter film is coming out in ireland the last few were great the origanal actor for dumbledore was better for the part
  7. linux looks like a copy of mac and i see that in that picture you are lloking at a mac mini would i be right i like mac so they seem the same so my vote is for linux also you can get linux onto ur ipod(pm if anyone wants more info on that)
  8. how do u become a moderater?
  9. nethier thats stupid cause then ur stuck there all day doing [bleeped!]
  10. all you members will be seeing me on this site alot making topics and also comenting on others soon i will be best on this site
  11. sure people still will post no matter how many you get
  12. 16 this will be cool if it makes the target
  13. that is gas that site how dose it work do u no??
  14. that was terible
  15. is this just like on the macbooks with there Intel Core 2 Duo because if it is then belive me i used to be a microsoft user but now i use mac OSx and find it alot better because i can open a lot of windows have them all running at the same time and yet not losing my speed
  16. what happens if you spam on this site???
  17. do u think the new iphone will be a good product with all its technology with its build in ipod, light sensor,phone wi-fi internet,touch screen, abient light sensors, advances motion sensors but what i want to know is will it be good will the screen scratch easy? will it stop sensing your hand? i personaly am going to purchase the phone but i want to see what other peoples veiws are
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