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Everything posted by the_god_2000

  1. no it is the most recent one
  2. band camp
  3. haha i get it it is gas
  4. no no u guy i can garentee im number 1 like the picture says it all, like look at it come on u cant get any better
  5. what happens if you do it by acident
  6. But it's an official answer from an Admin ADMIN SHADMIN it doesnt matter if i was wrong i am sure that an admin would have corrected me if i was wrong...JESUS someone needs to slip on their soap box! Calm down, try to use better grammar, and it's really not a big deal when someone restates your point. how do u do a qoute in a qoute?
  7. which do u think is better
  8. it will make way to many people spaming and dont call me a noob you give me a while and we will she who the noob is it will make way to many people spaming and dont call me a noob you give me a while and we will she who the noob is
  9. if she was that small she wouldnt be able to drive hahah haha no you wouldnt
  10. what i do is i wait till im asked and then just say the first thing that comes to my head
  11. oh god wat age are you are u even old enuf to be on the internet?
  12. haha so true never looked at it like that
  13. no im more of and ie fan myself sure all i care is that i can get on to the internet then im happy
  14. are u sure about that casue when i was trying to get one i was thinking aww this muct be like a set up hing for online banks but the bank on this site is only a fake one but for that credit card option u need really money but i must have been wrong
  15. i font think we should do awsomejoes idea it will bring in alot of spam sorry i ment dont not font
  16. god your very convident!
  17. when did this happen and when did it get resolved
  18. the_god_2000

    More Updates

    i wish i could have seen the site when it first started to see how much progress it has gone true dont no if any of you would but could you send me a screenshot
  19. the_god_2000

    New Rule

    i no im new but i will be a mod and believe me i have modding experience on a site kinda like this one
  20. is the new one the blue one or the yellow one??? is the new one the blue one or the yellow one???
  21. thats how i found out about this
  22. so your saying that the twin towers didnt really get destroyed by the planes???
  23. im from ireland
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