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Everything posted by Helions

  1. depends...i have to see their faces also...for all i know, they can turn out to be butterfaces...
  2. i'm going back to Chicago in a couple of months...
  3. seriously though, you'll like this movie if you're into gorey stuff...and with the movie being computerized, anything was possible...
  4. yea, i was lucky..i had the chance to play almost every video game out there during my childhood =)
  5. i hope that big lady is really eating the mcdonalds and not that blurred out girl in front of her...ha! lighten up everyone...
  6. haha yea, i heard that one a while ago...i cracked up big time
  7. i just felt like traveling a little by myself before i settle down and find a job and get married...i imagine traveling, which is something i love to do, won't be the same once i get settled...
  8. haha, that could be fun
  9. haha i'm not that old...i just started playing video games at a really young age since my parents owned a video game shop...
  10. scar tissue's one of my favorites also... you ever listen to Can't Stop? that's an awesome song...i went to one of their concerts and the crowd went wild when they played it...chicks were taking off their bras and underwears and throwing em at john while he was playing the killer riff..i remember it so clearly because one of the bras landed on his head and he couldn't take it off until after the song was finished...haha
  11. haha that Tom Made Call one was hilarious! i love prank calls...i was a big fan of the Jerky Boys back in the days..
  12. hey, not bad at all!
  13. are you telling us there are no cc's on there now or that djbob doesnt want to do them i'm wondering the same thing...i think it'd be cool if djbob implemented the cc function...hint hint =P
  14. Are your parents in the military? naw...why do you ask?
  15. yea, it's really gory... you might be too young for the nude scenes, heh heh =P
  16. it's hard to say which one's my favorite...but my favorite one to play on the guitar is under the bridge...
  17. actually, now that i think about it...mine was either tetris or pac-man...
  18. i don't think it's possible to get something for nothing in this day and age
  19. i just saw it today...not as good as i expected...but you're right richard, the graphics and special fx were pretty good
  20. I said 'trilogy' and I think the Star War sequel has 6 movies , IF i am right Pardon me if i went wrong no, i think you're right...
  21. i haven't heard much of their new stuff, but their older stuff was kicka$$...fruciante's my favorite guitarist...actually, hammet is...but john's right behind him...
  22. welcome to helionet, noxious!
  23. first you say that you only believe in logical things...so i try to prove it to you by using logic...you keep asking for evidence, but i've given more than enough in the form of logical arguments... and when you say that something is like my "supreme cause," you're wrong...there's nothing close to being like my supreme cause...if there was, this debate wouldn't have started...no one knows the cause of what is today...it's all theories...but you have to understand that there was obviously a supreme cause....even though we don't know what it is...you can call it whatever you want, but i call the supreme cause, "god..."
  24. Thank u krazyboi no problem...they have some really cool pictures on there
  25. Could u explain me about it? actually, i guess it could go both ways...it could be pulled in, or it could be falling into the curve caused by the black hole...
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