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Everything posted by kyle

  1. kyle


    yes I am informed about that, but that doesn't seem to help me. Do you think you could you help me since you were able to configure with filezilla?
  2. kyle


    How do I connect to my cpanel ftp with filezilla? I need step by step instructions!
  3. kyle


    I agree with mushroomz. Hotmail seems to be the only email provider that gets problems like this. Like gmail and yahoo, it doesn't happen with.
  4. good point.
  5. Hey peoples, i'm looking for a forum that is maybe new but not too new. I would like to be a staff and help you advertise. So anyone that has a forum that is medium size with a staff position open, please PM me or reply here. Thx, kyle. p.s If you would like to ask me questions, I will be gladly to answer.
  6. It feels good to be back! After I forgot my username, I couldn't sign in till now. And I love it!
  7. Where can I find my account info? Such as my host name?
  8. Okay I might be confusing myself. But bob said that for me to be able to allow someone to edit my site, I would have to create a ftp because there is no possibility for another username on the same login thing. So how do I create a new ftp but they would manage the index?? I would like an answer asap pelase.
  9. kyle

    + Members

    oh okay. thats a great idea..thanks bob.
  10. kyle

    + Members

    lmao. But I have a Website Team, and the only way for them to edit the website is if they get to go on the cpanel..
  11. Is there a way for me to add another member to my hosting account? So that I could get another member to go into my cpanel?
  12. kyle


    Is there a way that I don't have an ad on my site? Or do I have to have a custom ad placement?
  13. it appeared again.
  14. Okay I just went into my website, and theres an error. Theres like part of a script below the advertisement but below everything else. How do I fix it? My website is: http://kyle.heliohost.org
  15. I like the lottery idea. Its gambling and everyone has a 50/50 chance. They either win or not.
  16. Yo mama so poor she was in K-Mart with a box of Hefty bags. I said, "What ya doin'?" She said, "Buying luggage."
  17. that true, but like I said. The person eating the food has a choice to eat it or not. It may look good and attract some peoples attentions, but its still their choice.
  18. dude, this sound cool. I might try it. May I ask what the purpose of Xbox Media Center is?
  19. I agree with kalamarko. But still I think there is, what about the discories on Mar and the moon? And the other planets? We don't know how big the galexy is, so how do we know that theres no one else?
  20. is fireworks similiar to photoshop? Or what exactly is it?
  21. I'm going to High School next year, and i'm wondering if anyone here likes Chemistry or takes Chemistry. I know its different from different schools, but still.
  22. kyle

    Helions for Reviews

    http://www.free-webhosts.com/reviews/HelioHost.php, its 7 reviews from the first. IP: 67.169.x.x http://www.freehostsfinder.com/host-review...&HostID=138, post #6 and 7. sorry about the double. Did it on accident.
  23. thats actually pretty true. You start to like online games when your younger, but then when you get older, it just fades away and it gets boring.
  24. that would be an easy grade. I think I did that when I was in like 6th grade. But instead of a computer test, we had to write a 1 page report and then take a test (but it wasn't on the computer). P.S thers no such grade as an E
  25. That is the best song eva. I like r&b, so i'm listening to This is why i'm hot, by Mims.
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