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Everything posted by kyle

  1. Wow DNA. Welcome to Helionet!
  2. kyle


    Hey test. Welcome to Helionet? So what are you testing?
  3. I have heard that. And thats the only downside about Vista. But other than that, its great!
  4. I am running Windows Vista and I totally recommend it! Its so freaken awesome. You wont regret it.
  5. kyle


    no its my phpbb control panel. My heliohost control panel works perfectly.
  6. what exactly is the difference between the PS3 and the PSP? Except for the fact that one of them is wireless. There was no point of them for making a PS3. Especially since they were so similar.
  7. I wouldn't mind either. Computers make the world and everyday activities easier.
  8. oh okay. I didn't know the difference and thanks for filling me in.
  9. kyle

    Admin Gone

    Great! So how was your vacation?
  10. It is a mini community builder. You cant add forums and other features to your joomla.
  11. This is off-topic, but I cant believe that I have started a topic that has 81 replies! This is my first.
  12. I use google. I recommend google. Nothing but google! Its the most known search engine, which means that they will supply you with more information and well, they have great features. Maps, images, news, GMAIL. And google adsense it awesome.
  13. Everything revolves around computers. Nasa cant launch a space shuttle without computers; we wouldn't know the weather without computers; and most people use the computers to find news and well, its just a reliable resource!
  14. I have something to ask about the Helionet domain too. How come djbob didn't buy a .com domain? Its more common and its predictable. When someone hears about helionet, like me, i assume it must be a .com domain as it is common. Is a .com domain more expensive than a .org?
  15. djbob says any language works, so that means yes karath.
  16. kyle

    Admin Gone

    Okay thanks for the notification! Good luck and enjoy your 3 stress-free days.
  17. Name one person that has been ' unfriendly ' to you? It cant be someone that told you to read the rules or to stop spamming or anything like that.
  18. Welcome to Helionet Brett! I hope you get use to Helionet and don't forget to tell your friends about Helionet!
  19. kyle


    well thats what I'd rather do but the ads aren't allowing me to enter the admin control panel. So thats why i have to buy it.
  20. kyle


    I dont know or remember if I asked this in a different thread. But, is there an ad free service? If so, how many helions does it cost and how long will it take after sending the helions will it take to be activated?
  21. I think what djbob means is that you can't get a something.heliohost.net. Heliohost doesn't have a domain with .net - they have one with .org . And for you to get a heliohost.org subdomain, you will have to purchase the hosting and then you will automatically get a SOMETHING.heliohost.org subdomain. Do you get what i'm saying?
  22. kyle


    oh okay so it was becuase of you guys. I thought that helionet got deleted or something. Because the url didn't work. weeh
  23. okay well. Just PM me the url or post it here when you get it up and running kay?
  24. kyle

    phpbb ACP

    whats iFrames?
  25. kyle

    phpbb ACP

    um..I tried phpbb3. It still happend the same. And what would the difference be in a different hosting plan? Just a lot more space, thats all.
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