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Posts posted by Sn1F3rt

  1. @sohamb03: I just changed the A records on my domain’s zone to lily and tossed a crash message there regarding the stuff I provide. http://raxsoft.com


    In theory this could be done en masse for everyone by just assigning tommy’s IP to lily and replacing the queued page with a generic crash message.

    Yeah it will for sure....but it would take extra effort which can be avoided if Tommy can be somehow fixed.

  2. Hmm... Try to understand that your account is still on Tommy. Unless data recovery is done, nothing can happen. You may be given an alternate account on Johnny or Ricky if situations take turns for the worse, but that can happen only after your account is backed up.


    Also try to get this - the server itself is down so where do you place the crashed message?

  3. Yesterday, I tried installing my site app, keep getting 500 error, check error on control panel, it was blank. Paused then today tried logging in and couldn't, 'invalid login'

    Yep... That's because Tommy is down since the last Eddie reboot due to a hard drive failure.


    Unless the server is back up you're gonna have those results.


    Read more: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/36440-tommy-downtime/?do=findComment&comment=161148

  4. I noticed quite a bit of oddity after that reboot, the forum has been acting kind of odd as well (lots of things marked themselves as unread, a spam account unflagged itself...).

    Yeah I too noticed that. After the reboot I was signed off my account. After I loved in and pressed 'New Content' I found topics a couple of days old to marked as unread for me.

    • Like 1
  5. Yeah that's something which bothers me too... The fact that it doesn't support multiple nameservers.


    However, personally I don't like Cloudflare (there are certain reasons which I don't wanna post publicly).


    I will change my nameservers as soon as I have access to my PC.


    My problem is solved so you kindly mark this as 'answered'.


    Thanks a lot.


    EDIT: Although the FreeDNS web interface is hard to work with on mobile (because of the desktop version only), somehow managed to change the nameservers. My site is up and working again.

  6. Hey there,


    I would like to know that in the DNS cluster, which nameserver runs Johnny. This is because in FreeDNS we can set only one nameserver. For my domain it's presently set to ns1. My site generates an IP address not found error so I assume that's on Eddie. Could you please confirm if I should change it to ns2?


    (This is because FreeDNS malfunctions if I change the nameservers multiple times, so I don't want to experiment by changing it over and over again, and see if my site works.)



  7. @sajid92: I am not exactly sure what do you want to do, but after having a look at your query in https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/36350-request-to-delete-an-account/?do=findComment&comment=161009 and this topic I assume youre trying to delete your account to recreate an account on Tommy. If that's the case then let me tell you that you do not need to  delete your account to get upgraded. If you make a donation and post your transaction ID then your account can be manually moved to Tommy by an administrator, so do not take unnecessary action without reading this.


    I am presuming that's your intention and so thought it good to let you know.



  8. Please provide more information. Which type of a website you want to host here?


    If you want a CMS(like WordPress or Joomla), you can directly install it from Softaculous. You can also host a Java or Python website here(through Django).


    Else if you want to have an HTML template directly upload it to the File Manager.


    Please supply more information on the specific type of website you want and I will lead you further.

  9. My account is currently suspended. I assume I have missed the login time, which happened before, except that I didn't get a warning email this time (or it went to spam).

    Your account isn't suspended for that reason, ie, for inactivity. It's suspended for some other reason like causing high server lead or something else (I amnt sure of the reason).


    Someone else can clarify that reason for you (a moderator or an admin).

  10. Hi...


    please I need help on this:


    I'm trying to connect to my postgres database from outside with DBeaver.


    and database, user, etc. from my databse.


    I get this error:


    FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "urquiza_postgres", database "urquiza_gestoria", SSL on


    Thanks in advance...

    You can't do that unless remote connection is enabled for your database. Krydos can set that up for you. Please wait till then.
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