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Posts posted by Sn1F3rt

  1. The hard disk is gonna be installed on Eddie on 20th August after which the admins will start rebuilding Tommy. Most probably Tommy will be back by September. He's gonna be called Tommy itself.


    After that you can install your backup. You will retain your main domain so do not worry about that.


    Also don't worry about installing the backup. Even if you make some mistake it won't corrupt anything. Try doing it, if you face any problems the admins are there to help you out. Afterall we all are learning here.

  2. Yes it can be done.


    You can change it yourself. Go to cPanel > Contact Information and update with the new email address. It will take sometime for the main website to recognize the change.


    BTW the account with your username is archived due to inactivity.

  3. @Madel: Don't worry about the loading time. I had a Grav installation on my website and it used to remain 10 hours offline in a day, reported by UptimeRobot stats.


    Then I've switched to an HTML/CSS theme and the loading time as well as uptime has improved. I hardly get any reports of downtime and my site loads perfectly well (Pagerank said 4.3 secs).


    That's pretty good stats considering the fact that I'm on Johnny.

  4. When my backup will avalible? (2ravno2@gmail.com)

    When backups are available, an announcement will be made in the 'News' section of the forums. Instructions will be provided on how to download your backup.

  5. You can create a temporary account on Ricky with a different email address than the past (lest you should have problems while downloading your backup). Your domains can be cleaned up if you wish to, and you can host the same ones on your temporary account.


    After Tommy is back your new account will be moved to Tommy.

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