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Posts posted by Sn1F3rt

  1. If you would like to signup for a new account even when free signups have closed for the day you may do so by going to https://www.heliohost.org/donate/ and donating at least US$1. If you choose to donate please post your transaction ID here and an admin will send you an invite for a new account.

    Not quiet. When I had changed my cPanel username I was sent an invite for free even when free signups were closed for the day.

  2. cPanel username can't be changed that way. You will have to take a full backup,request an account deletion at http://www.heliohost.../scripts/delete and then an administrator can send you an invite so to could recreate your account with the new username.


    As far as the forum username is concerned that can be easily changed by an administrator.(However creating a new account will automatically create a forum account with the new username)

  3. A proxy that's not being used causes no load. Same goes for any other program. The moment you use it, it goes from producing 0 load to producing a substantial amount of load, and if that load happens to be more than everyone else and/or slows the server down, you're at the top of the list for suspension.

    Umm.. That's what I'm saying. My proxy wasn't even running so why did I get suspended...I mean how did it generate load?

  4. Okay I get that.... But Krydos could you specifically tell me what do I have to install. (I mean that vendor/autoload.php)


    I am testing out on this and am a newbie to this proxy thing. Therefore I got a ready-made script and expected everything to work out pretty easy, but ran into this trouble.


    I too heard about this site from one of the stack overflow threads but couldn't get what exactly I've to install.

  5. Who says WordPress is "prohibited" by HelioHost? It's just that HelioHost suggests not to use WordPress. However, these opinions are solely individual and do not represent the company's terms.


    I myself used to run two WordPress sites previously on Johnny and they were quiet optimised by gzip.


    And FYI the support forums are for everyone. It's not that we suggest not to use WordPress so we won't help anyone who wants help with that software. We are all learning here.


    WordPress in itself as a CMS powers 33% of the public internet. Therefore it's one of the best ones when it comes to CMS (these are my personal views; I amnt encouraging anyone to use that software).


    Therefore don't be biased on the forums. Stay active and help everyone.

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