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Everything posted by surfcss

  1. Seems to be broken again
  2. When I try access the bank I get this error: All my Helions are in the bank so I can't access then
  3. Have you tried ebay?
  4. Vista is fine for gaming as long as u have the correct drivers. Currently Nvida and ATI drivers are Beta. No it doesn't. I'm yet to find a bug in Vista.
  5. got my 4mbps connection the other day
  6. Kyougi do us all a favour and [bleeped!]
  7. Well technically the AMD's are being overclocked already seeing its the speed minus 1GHz. Overclocking further isn't wise.
  8. When people stop posting in a topic it means they aren't interested in it anymore. You posting in a topic that was made Feb 16 2005, so it's seen as spam.
  9. I think he means, stop posting in old, dead topics.
  10. Ie7 or Firefox 2..?
  11. Members = the people registered on this site. Moderators is an example of another group. The 2 blocks = you rank determined by your posts. You are a rank 2 member. Your goal should be to achieve 5 ranks.
  12. ROFL That was halarious
  13. The domain names will only work with a HelioNet hosting package.
  14. www.yourmp3.net, try there
  15. You could always Bt download it
  16. Lol, I was wondering why Internet Explorer 7 was only available on the site.
  17. [bleeped!], I wish I had that. A 4mb line her is 5X more expensive than an 8mb in London.
  18. Go to www.hotscripts.com and find a better script ?
  19. What login software are you using? You won't be able to make accounts using Cpanel (your hosting control panel - can only manage hosting options) or a program (unless the script is written in conjunction with the program. Usually login scripts have an admin area where you can add users and change preferences. If you don't get it working just go to www.hotscripts.com and find another scipt - there are thousands.
  20. I recently installed Windows Vista Final - Build 6000. I spent a week downloading it (4.6gb), - it seems it was well worth the wait. While alot of people don't like Vista, and have complained about it, I find it stunning (look and feel etc). The interface is completely different to that of XP, most things are completely different, you'll have to get used to it like u did with XP after 98. Anyone else running Vista - please comment on it.
  21. Use the magic wand?
  22. Yes, use a FTP manager. I recommend SmartFTP.
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