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Everything posted by GameClaw_268

  1. The only way not to have an experience like that is not to date, and we know thats not gonna happen. Women always say complex things without meanings and then don't understand the meaning of the simple thing you try to tell them. We just have to live with it...
  2. You mean cell shaded windwaker? They got rid of it. Think Ocarina of Time with Half Life 2 on the highest mode graphics. Plus you get to swing your sword on horseback(awesome!)
  3. Any chance you could make me a 2|6|8 Productions Logo? Like a big one for games, Using the same color scheme as my website, black and hexidecimal #CC0000(or for those who don't know: 204,0,0) or go to http://268productions.heliohost.org/ . If you can make me a 480 by 100 Logo for the site, I will pay a full 100, cause I'm rich and I don't need no stinking discount. Remeber the | between the 2|6|8 ! I'd also like a text style similar to the one I have on my site, but with a little more of an effect, if you know what I mean... lol, the ad was something that said YOUR LOGO STINKS! and then had a $265 thing off to the side had an old man on it too. Funny.
  4. we are the best gamemaker advertisers ever, even when its completely off topic
  5. 138 we are sloooow... I think we should already be to 500(5%)
  6. GameClaw_268

    Free Domains!

    Well, I'm gonna be the first to 500, past djbob... or maybe before but I have no need for a domain as stated earlier
  7. Really? that report I read a while ago was really misleading...
  8. um... he means something that you play in a browser window... but there are registered features on Gamemaker that allow you to make MMORPG's(not to easy, but...) *hint* *hint* (voice inside your head: Pay the $20 registration fee... Paaaaaaaay iiiiitttttt....)
  9. meh, you can sell them, but you'd have to make your own topic. I will not permit advertising in someone else's bussiness that they don't want you to. If someone does this, have me delete their post, eh nilayz
  10. no, you can't, or djbob will loose them. I means that you can't put that on your site, and they don't care if someone else posted in a forum. Now excuse me while I delete the unsayable.
  11. [ Script Execution time: 0.0781 ] [ 11 queries used ] that seems pretty fast to me...
  12. GameClaw_268

    Free Domains!

    YOu get 25 posts a month, buy hosting at the IBStore, and you have php and mysql free and stuff. You can also get a domain for 600 posts a year, or through this
  13. this is just a guess, but in past experiences its been ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org , like that on other sites.
  14. GameClaw_268

    Free Domains!

    only the contest you can't use elsewhere, everything else, you can... I think...
  15. deleted a double post within an hour. FOrtunantly for nilayz, I can't deduct here, cause that would be his second offense... a TV
  16. You should make a quiz for a bold name or something. Make it hard, and either about hard science/math/anthing hard stuff or about stuff on helionet. One could be: Name the mods and primary banners in order of joining date. Or another could be: The date that these forums were created, or the date that heliohost was created, etc. I'm gonna get a bold name the way it already is(considering I have 2 or so months of hosting left and 1610 points) but it would still be fun
  17. meh, I doubt even 2 people will ever come here without a gmail account... gmail needs to get a chat program, so I can ditch msn and its freezing up whenever I send a message problem.
  18. 2GB is exactly 2048mb, so I was very close
  19. I have a pretty much unlimited stock of gmail invites right now, so post your email for a free gmail(that rymes) Free now.
  20. actually, he atleast has the hosting item... check his points...
  21. pop-ups are annoying... the only site that could get away with that is a pr0n site, and only fat perverts who live with their mothers in the basement go to those... legally...
  22. GameClaw_268

    Free Domains!

    Kinda figured those... but I'm never gonna register a domain til I'm 18...
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